The time it seemed had finally come and I had finally completed the complex mental exercises to unlock the final part of my heritage. The others may find out one day perhaps for with the Associate missing or perhaps even dead the call of the Fellowship of Shadows had become too strong for me to overcome. Shall we say that my Mother Drusilia Nailo did not just happen to find herself captured by my Father the Incubus for in reality my Mother had in fact been a spy planted by Queen Andais the immortal Queen of Air and Darkness of the Unseelie Court within the Seelie Court. So my Mother was in reality a being of Shadow a Dark Creature if you will and it was a talent that I had always held within me but I had in past suppressed. My Mother had once been a loyal member of the Fellowship of Shadows and servant of the Queen but after her subsequent time in the Abyss when she returned and thanks to blessed Aphrodite she had managed to maneuver her way free from Queen Andais as long as she continued to instruct and mentor young Fellowship of Shadows apprentices. I suppose it had been a small price to pay but only now did I finally realize what my Mother had meant about never giving in to despair for with the loss of the Associate my oldest friend and after failing to negotiate the return of the Stone of Tongues, the loss of the Realm within the Stone and the endangerment of thousands of Fey there was not enough love within my heart to keep it from breaking. For when it broke I had thought I might have found a solution but in the end I was only fooling myself and the gloom of the situation made me finally realize that I was done fighting my nature and I was suddenly free. The feelings that overcame me while in my trance like state would have been overwhelming at any time but I showed nothing to my fellow members of Dragonfirre. For while Dirty Anna and I had failed to rescue the Associate and after a little excitement caused by his capture caused a change of venue. We were soon on our way to Industry City in lieu of paying a visit to X Island and of course the Organization which I found out actually had an unofficial name the Berker Island Gang were as always proving to useful. While of course there is more to tell and while I plan to do so I must first thank Dirty Anna and Slick Rick for it was only with their compassion, guidance and judgment that my transition into shadow bearable.
I had not found it hard to believe that the Associate had ran into trouble with the Hub Psi-Corp after all when we had first arrived on Emerald he had taken it upon himself to slay a member of their division. The Moonbeast Commander had warned me that it was only a matter of time before we had a run in with them and it looked like the Associates time had just ran out. At the time my mind was still distant trying to find peace and hope that I had overlooked something but even then I could feel the darkness rising within me. Dirty Anna had taken a moment to clothe herself while I had rendered myself invisible with a greater invisibility spell and telepathically told the others that the Associate was in trouble and Dirty Anna and I were going to try and assist him. As I took off on foot using my Fey gifts I summoned a Large Air Elemental as Dirty Anna’s invocation caused her to shatter as I saw her beautiful black wings expand from her back I told her my Elemental would carry me and we were on our way. Our rescue sadly failed before it could even really begin for within moments Scrounger told us that he smelled some kind of strange gas and he had lost the Associates scent. We flew too what must have been the scene of the abduction but there were no signs of what had happened to my Associate. We saw a number of Hub army vehicles on the way into the area and so we fell back in the chance that we might over hear something of value I had also advised we pull back at least one hundred feet just in case there were Hub Psions around. I realized there was nothing we could do and we flew back to the others at the cottage since the Hub Army were starting to search the area. We had returned and I informed the others that the Associate was gone. What had transpired next was a discussion which did not really mean much to me for it seemed that Lucky Ron and Slick Rick expected me to tell them we needed to risk our lives to attempt to locate and save the Associate. I told them I did not really think so I only wanted them to be aware of the consequences if we did not. I then related that while the Associate had never really been concerned with the list and in truth only Dirty Anna and myself really seemed to have put it to memory. I continued to inform them that what the Associate did know was that we were working with the Organization as well as our current location which I then related was why we should be leaving. As if on cue two Hub Army vehicles with two soldiers each were even now arriving at the cottage office which was our cue to leave.
With the aid of Fluky Luke’s knowledge of the area we were able to circumvent the search party and make our way to a underground hospital. Fluky Luke let us know that it was expensive and an open place and to try and not start anything. I telepathically told Fluky Luke that he need not worry we were intending to lay low for the day but that I would keep an eye on the others and make sure he had fair warning if I became aware if a situation was going to be initiated by Dragonfirre. We were greeted by an attractive medic type named Marianna Smith who seemed to running the hospital. She also had two patients who Fluky Luke informed me were Fascist Gangsters who seemed to be comrades and I could tell one had been shot and the other seemed to have survived jumping out a window and was wheelchair bound. They started to talk about how it was outside and I dropped into my Beauty the Brain accent and small talked them into a relaxed state before any of my fellow Dragonfirre members could get us into trouble. The hospital was not really underground and in reality was located in a expansive apartment building on the eighth floor of a building with eighteen floors. While we were currently within a residential area we were also quite close to the actual hospital, civil center, police station as well as the fire department. I had cast a message spell on everyone to make sure we could stay in contact since Lucky Ron and Mickey the Torch were headed up to the roof to keep an eye out for the Hub Army while Dirty Anna and I began to examine the contents from the Providence Science Center. Dirty Anna and I were able to determine the nature of the fifteen books which posed somewhat of a mystery. For the books seemed to be handwritten texts dealing with the metallurgy of mithral which included some very interesting Hyborian insights. Meanwhile while I had focused on the books Dirty Anna was able to show me the nature of the spells within the Spellbook. I might have been more excited about the discovery but I was far to obsessed with the intriguing spell that was on the scroll. The spell was indeed Mythos magic and the spell was called “Become Spectral Hunter” which was a dark and deadly spell that could be used to transform the willing target of the spell in into a ghost like wraith with impressive abilities. So alright the spell also created a statuette of the target that could be used to control the creature it and not only that if the statuette was ever destroyed so was the Spectral Hunter. I begin to wonder how the users of Mythos Magic ever manage to keep their sanity because from what I have seen of their magic so far it seems the price they pay for all of their magic is far higher than I would be ever willing to pay. Meanwhile Mickey the Torch and Lucky Ron had been getting along quite well and since I was keeping an open line of communication I was able to find out that there seemed to be no Hub Army activity near our current location. I also found out that Lucky Ron was very interested in the books on metallurgy and he revealed that he was a weapon smith and looked forward to gaining knowledge which could help him enhance his katana. I was already done with the first two books and passed them on to him and let him know if he needed assistance with any of the concepts to just let me know and I would be more than willing to assist. After awhile a large lanky young boy stopped by and started taking orders for dinner and while it seemed that wherever he was going had an assortment of duck dishes I decided on the crispy duck in order to fit in. In reality I was still in the process of fasting for while Fluky Luke had let me know that staying here was expensive at least we were able to secure a private room and since the building was large and mostly metal I could also risk drawing the Lamp of Al-Hazred from my Backpack of Holding. I had been casually discussing my desire to travel to X-Island and I had continued to explain the possibility of acquiring the Orb of Sight from the nearby Industry City with perhaps even a stop at Berker Island. The others seemed to be willing to go along with my suggestions but as expected Lucky Ron was looking for more information. So it came to pass that I drew the Lamp of Al-Hazred from my backpack but not before Fluky Luke had reacted oddly to my mention of Berker Island. I telepathically asked him what was wrong with Berker Island and he informed me that Berker was their island. I drew the logical conclusion about the same time as I started using words to bring the rest of the group into the conversation and Fluky Luke confirmed that the official name for the Organization was the Berker Island Gang. Before I had withdrawn the Lamp of Al-Hazred I informed Fluky that we would soon be discussing matters that he would prefer not to hear and I asked him to keep an eye on the other guests and I would telepathically call him when it was safe to return. I then used the Lamp to confirm that the Green Men might very well have the Orb and that X Island was a place that not only they but Moon Beasts and Mad Scientists used as a base of sorts. It seemed that Mad Scientists actually were if we could trust the Lamp even now using X Island as a prison facility to hold captured Hyborians. The Lamp even warned us to stay clear of a direct assault on the Island for they would no doubt be prepared and to be cautious in our approach to X Island. Well that settled it for Lucky Ron and while he felt it better to head to Industry City before Berker Island I was concerned since that would mean we be without the extra manpower as well as firepower we might need to enhance our chances for success. I then mentally communed with the Lamp and asked the question that I had been trying to prepare myself for concerning the Stone of Tongues, Realm within the Stone and the expelled Fey. The Lamp crushed all of my hopes and dreams for not only was the Lamp unable to access different Fey realm but it told us that we had perhaps lost the Orb at about the right time and the release of the Fey would no doubt buy us a little breathing room since the various magic wielding hunting factions would be kept busy for quite some time. I was crushed for it seemed that the Fey were to be a sacrifice and the Lamp would not be able to provide a place of reflection or refuge and I felt truly lost. As I started to put the Lamp away Dirty Anna wanted to discuss a matter concerning the spell books and while we had began our discussion Lucky Ron asked to borrow the Lamp for a moment. At which moment in my despair I almost prevented him and when he had inquired about trust in him I related to him that I did not truly trust anyone and as far as the Lamp of Al-Hazred was concerned I felt I was the only one willing to give my life to protect it. I of course relented as he only wanted to take it across the room and I let him know that a few of my unseen servants would be guarding him just to make sure but I would respect his privacy. He walked to the corner of the room and what he discussed with the Lamp I was not sure for at the time Dirty Anna had my attention and since I had yet to break my trance my focus was elsewhere as Dirty Anna talked I waited patiently until he returned and I once again placed the Lamp back within my backpack. Fluky Luke informed me that dinner had arrived and while I fasted the others enjoyed a silent movie while a little old man provided sounds and entertainment with a box that seemed to contain various noisemakers. I barely even heard him or noticed what the others were doing as I sat in the back of the darkened front room as slowing the darkness within the room began to reveal itself in black and white. I felt the shadows within the room literally calling to me as they had when I was a child before the nightmares came and I would awake screaming and my Mother would be there and guiding me in mental exercises to dispel the monsters I believed were coming to claim me and take me away. I realized then that the darkness had came to me because I was subconsciously calling it myself while now with my intelligence I could call it. Even thought I had not eaten I felt invigorated and I realized I was faster than I had ever been before and I realized that I was now worthy of the Fellowship of Shadows. I did not share the nature of my new abilities with the others as of yet for while it’s not like I felt they would not see me differently it was just information I felt they would learn in time. For in truth the abilities like the one’s from my Mindbender training were always within me but only certain events within my psyche or physical state could bring them forth.
The night passed without further incident and we had decided to travel to Industry City I of course had been in telepathic contact with Fluky Luke to make sure we had backup in Industry City as well as some special ammunition (White Phosphorous or High Explosive) that I hoped Gizmo Dent would be able to supply. Since if the others were willing to check out Industry City before heading to Berker Island I at least wanted some better ammunition just in case for from my experience wherever Dragonfirre rolled danger was sure to follow. I also figured since Fluky Luke had also informed me that if the Associate was being held he might be in Hub I asked if he could arrange for his contacts to keep an eye out for news concerning his whereabouts. We had decided not to on take up the new medic who had arrived in the morning on her offer of hospitality or access to her secure hospital in Garden but it was useful information to have in case we ever needed a back up option. While we were getting set to leave Slick Rick reminded me of someone who we would do well to meet the Seer Olga whose vision were investigating I remember letting Slick Rick know that we would indeed make the time after we checked on the current situation. So after an uneventful train ride we arrived in Industry City a city that I found out after I had asked Mickey the Torch to check the scents in the air after he almost became sick due to the toxins from the factories. The concept got me to thinking if someone was trying to hide from snakes then area’s like Industry City would be the ideal place to hide an important fact I put in the back of my mind for use later since it never hurts to have back up plans. I confirmed telepathically with Scrounger moments later that the area would indeed conceal scents and we both realized if the Green Men were hiding in the interior of the city then it would indeed be hard to find them. I suggested perhaps if he were to as Dirty Anna no doubt check on the local Snake People population we might gain information about the Island as well as perhaps information on the Green Men. I decided to cast another message spell and include Scrounger for I had a feeling as Dirty Anna soon suggested that he would indeed be able to find out information from any local Snake People. I also wanted to get away from the interior of the city since I hoped to acquiring my special ammunition from Gizmo Dent. Along the way we stopped for breakfast or perhaps more like brunch where cubes of assorted food stuffs were served beef, bird, pork and even veggies all served in the now no longer cube state. I will admit if there is anything more odd then Emerald’s belief in only one deity it would have to be there love of processed cubed food. I ordered but I was more than willing to allow Clean Eugene eat my small portion as I was still fasting and working on plans regarding staging our investigation of X Island. I also was considering all of the options that were possible including ones that involved Vess Island, Berker Island or Industry City. I was also focusing my intellect on what seemed to be the eventual conflict with the Green Men which I had a feeling the Lucky Ron was eagerly working on strategies of his own. I on the other had with the loss of the Associate and any real connection to Hyboria decided to turn my intellect toward contingency plans which would enable to still achieve our objectives regardless of which path we took. Well of course there was only one path I would not approach a direct assault on X Island or at least not until I had gathered more information on the exact defenses and offensive abilities of the Island. As we reached the residential beach area which actually no longer had the feel of industry as we came near a park Scrounger let us know that we were far enough away from the factories for him to once again use his scent ability and we also had found a good location for him to slip away and investigate the local Snake People population. Dirty Anna was informing us about a situation that I was concerned about since in one reality she was sacrificed by a Snake People Cult lead by a figure known as Jason. She actually mentioned Jason, Mother Asp as well as other separate possible smaller Cults that we might need to be on the lookout for. In reality I was actually more concerned about the possibility of obtaining the five Deep One Rebreather’s the Green Men were according to the Lamp known have in their possession. There was of course the Orb of Sight that would need to be our primary concern since it was a pivotal part of the Lightning Gun but I did indeed plan to get my hands on a Rebreather. So Scrounger slithered off on his mission while we all waited in the park and I continued ponder the future of Dragonfirre. In the past I had been considering forming our own group of mercenaries and calling them the Hoard which would be an elite trained cadre of Hyborian Emerald natives. While I still had that plan in the works the information from Fluky Luke regarding the nature of Berker Island being theirs for over three generations was something worth considering since I knew we would eventually need a training facility for our Hoard candidates I believe we had just found one. Scrounger returned after awhile with news from thirty young snakes about there being Green Men residing in building nearby posing as bakers. He also let us know that there were Mother Asp as well as Jason factions nearby but the young snakes he had encountered had been on their own. It seemed they had escaped a local store and were instead of trying to make it on the street had instead been trying their best to look cute in hopes of adoption. On finding out about the thirty free snakes I did digress for a moment or two on the nature of Scrounger exerting his will over them to perhaps form a Snake Person. He informed me with around ten he could form a humanoid sized form that might avoid detection without direct contact. I informed the others that it would not be a problem for me to disguise him if necessary and that I just wanted to have all of our potential cards on the table. I even inquired with both Dirty Anna and Scrounger on the nature of the Snake Deity that could be formed with around thirty snakes and sadly there we lost our advantage. For it seemed that the snake that gained control would be the one who was closest in line genetically to the Supreme Snake or something like that. Basically Scrounger could form the Snake Deity but then lose control of it and even then it might very well be taken over by some even more powerful force. I knew it was a long shot but Dirty Anna did relate how sometimes the Deity worked for good but also sometimes for evil and in truth how does one really even judge such things with Snake People. Well my questions were answered for if we were in dire straits I figured if we needed to summon the Snake Deity making a deal with it might be easier than dealing with whatever might have caused us to be in full retreat. I of course realized that such an eventuality was farfetched at best but then again I always prefer to know all of my options. As we left the park Fluky Luke lead us to the beach where we met who I had been looking for as Gizmo Dent and Mac Daddy arrived in two aquatic cars. I quickly approached Gizmo Dent and hugged him and telepathically thanked him for bringing the special ammunition that I had requested and covered by letting him know vocally how excited I was to see him.
With the arrival of Gizmo Dent and Mac Daddy we now had transport to Berker Island and while Lucky Ron was eager to check out the Green Men nearby I was cautious for I really did not see the need to engage them in combat before we had a chance to investigate X Island. Gizmo Dent let us know after I inquired about contacts in Industry City that they normally dealt with a local operative named Clamshell Phil. Lucky Ron seemed eager to send Gizmo Dent and Mac Daddy out to perform either information gathering from Clamshell Phil or even X Island but they did not seem eager to be attempting either operation but were more than willing to put us in contact with Clamshell Phil. I had already assumed as much and it seemed that we were a somewhat of a quandary. I informed Dragonfirre and Lucky Ron that it did not matter if we dealt with the Green Men in Industry City or moved on to Berker Island or even Vess Island for that matter. Actually I told them the only mission that I would actually stand against would be an immediate landing on X Island. When asked why by Lucky Ron I reminded him and the others that we had been warned by the Lamp and I intended to take its advice. I will admit I also was considering laying low for at least a day for any information to turn up on the Associate for there were a number of scenarios that came to mind and few of them were ideal. On one hand he had been captured and mind probed and all of the information about us and whatever he could remember was now in the hands of the Hub, Swamp Foxes and eventually the Red Menace and he was either turned against us possibly dead or melted into space mead. On the other Hand he might have managed to escape capture with very little information about us and our agenda being revealed and even now on his way to connect with us. So either way Dragonfirre could be in danger for the last time I had spoken telepathically with the Associate he had marked both Mickey the Torch and Lucky Ron for death. Of course that is assuming that he had not been turned against us and now had marked us all for death. Perhaps the only upside might be that if he had managed to escape he had done so without being followed by the Hub Agents intent on using him as a lure to catch a bigger fish. Well suffice to say if I have anything to say about it I don’t plan to be anywhere near the Associate until I can be sure that he had been thoroughly scanned, probed , debriefed and willing to put aside his need for vengeance until our mission is complete. On a bright note or shall I say dark note thankfully my adjustment period had concluded and I was feeling much better and it was time for Beauty the Brain to come out of her revelry. I have Dirty Anna to thank for that for she somehow noticed that I was not being entirely myself and had asked me if I was alright. I had informed her that I was changing after the events that had recently transpired and a darkness was welling up inside of me. I had smiled and told her not to worry it was not the darkness of evil but only a part of my heritage that I had not realized I had repressed. I had hugged her back and told her not to worry about me because it’s my job to worry about her. I did realize that I wanted to continue to defend the light I wanted to be sure I did not go too far and if I did still have a way to return from the abyss. So I had turned to Slick Rick who had been watching the exchange between Dirty Anna and I and I asked him a question. So I asked “Slick Rick I just need to know if in the future I need to be atoned for a future transgression is it now within your power to avail me?”. He responded in kind with the wisdom and fortitude I have come to expect “It is indeed within my power to offer atonement as well lay judgment for transgressions that I judge necessary.”. I was truly thankful for Dirty Anna’s act of love and compassion as well as Slick Rick’s support and guidance I will always be thankful for I could see the influence of Aphrodite in her and the wisdom of Obad-Hai in him and it reminded me of my new motto “All things are fair in love and war.”. I was also reminded that without love there would be no reason for war and I would love Dirty Anna and my fellow Dragonfirre members for I could see that twilight had fallen upon me but by Aphrodite the light of love would not let me fall. So the Dreaming God bring what me for Beauty the Brain and Dragonfirre will be ready.
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