Well our little battle royal had come to the likely conclusion and I was now in possession of a new medic thrall. Although I have to admit while the conclusion in my mind had never been in doubt the sheer resourcefulness and tenacity of my new thralls companions been had impressive to behold just the kind of people I plan on recruiting for the Dragonfirre Hoard. So what if they were protecting something which to them was sacred which turned out to be the only pure source of drinking water to their entire underground base. It also became apparent why all of them were so well trained because the duty to which they had been assigned was reserved for only the best of the best. Now of course they were planning some dark sacrificial ritual of course and all of their allies would need water Dragonfirre had just happened to wander into the wrong place at the wrong time well at least in their opinion I am sure. Since finding something so valuable as well as acquiring a thrall which would no doubt provide a wealth of information about the factions of X Island meant things were sure going right for Dragonfirre. There were of course a few close moments for actually all of Dragonfirre and even our Organization Agents well with the exception of myself of course I mean I don’t call myself Beauty The Brain for nothing. So what if Dragonfirre had to pull a few of the stops and I even pulled my Desert Eagle and along with a host of Unicorns and Shadow Air Elementals I was able to make sure we overcame my new medic thralls well armed as well as magical companions. I know I get ahead of myself and I am not trying to be egotistic or vain honestly I am not but I realize I am going to have to at some point get everyone on the same page for even with my telepathy and message spells I am sure if anyone else had been in my position Dragonfirre would have fallen. I can only thank Slick Rick for our battle took place in a forest and he showed all who beheld his glory the power that can be wields. So I will not fail to give him the credit he deserves for he was able to draw the attention of my medic thralls companions and even the serpentine creature they transformed into until I was able to properly bring the sticky situation to a conclusion but I get ahead of myself for I don’t want my feeling or emotions to distract from this record.
What had began as a simple walk through the heavily wooded X Island had soon erupted into a firefight that threatened the lives of my companions of Dragonfirre as well as the Associate. One might wonder why I set the Associate apart well let be honest he is a being of shadow like myself able to vanish right before the eyes of an enemy and to be honest I was not entirely sure if he was actually our ally. While it may be true that I still value his skill and the role I need him to play as the Associate. I will even admit to the pangs of desire that stir from my toes to my clitoris and ending in my rock hard nipples whenever I think of the pleasure to be had with a Fey Changling. So let us just say I am keeping my distance and from the way it was starting to look the Associate was determined to get himself killed as usual for it seemed he always rushed into combat as if it were a drug. While the majority of the group had held back as I had advanced eighty feet which left them one hundred and twenty feet back the Associate had rushed their right side and had become visible and was taking fire. Now on their left Slick Rick who had transformed into a huge Dire Wolf and cast a spell which had given him powers of a Tiger was threatening their left and his hardened hide seemed to be repelling their bullets with ease. As I looked back I could see Lucky Ron and Mickey the Torch moving forward while Dirty Anna and Clean Eugene were engaging the two Gugs. Diamond Jim and Hawkeye Allen were busy returning fire while my three summoned Unicorns were at the moment busy keeping them alive with the healing powers of their horns. I had meanwhile already blasted our enemies with a mass whelm and cast another as I noticed that they all seemed to stop firing and seemed to be casting a spell together. My spell dropped one of them but the others managed to complete their spell and suddenly vanished to in moments transform into a magical mind twisting wingless serpent made seemingly of mist and out battle entered yet another phase.
The creature seemed draconic in nature once it had solidified and commenced to attack with its fangs Slick Rick as well as the Associate with its tail. The creature was floating over fifteen feet in the air and I realized that while I was not sure if my bullets could harm it I knew my companions and their magical weapons could. I telepathically told Mickey the Torch that I would summon an Air Elemental to carry him into battle and to be ready. Meanwhile the Associate managed to slip free of the tail with ease and was hurling shuriken at the draconic serpent while Slick Rick had jumped up to attack the vile creature. Dirty Anna had seemed about to try and dispel the magic of the creature but she instead unleashed a soul eldritch blast I was able to ascertain with the power granted by my arcane sight spell that they had not so much transformed into the creature but somehow called it here and it had switched places with them in some strange arcane manner. Mickey the Torch was lifted up and began his assault while I conferred with Lucky Ron to find out if he wished the same honor and he of course accepted. So it was within moments while Slick Rick had changed into a huge Gorilla and was further harassing and attacking the serpent that the power of Lucky Ron, Mickey the Torch and Dirty Anna were able to be brought to bear. At one point the serpent even managed to hurl Slick Rick into the air hundreds of feet up but I knew that with his ability to shape shift he was in no danger. In short order the serpent was defeated but alas the battle was yet not over it was only the end for falling to the ground were seven of the soldiers that had cast the spell and as they landed in a tight formation I realized it was time phase three of the battle to begin.
Slick Rick on his way down in the form of a winged giant eagle transformed back into this dire wolf form and landed right in the middle of the fray as they opened fire. The others were in the middle of regrouping but I realized there was not time for such actions and while in all the excitement Mickey the Torch had lost his Mace while the Associate had lost both his Nunchaku as well as his Short Sword and even Lucky Ron had somehow lost his Katana. I was still moving around like a ghost using my greater invisibility spell as well as my natural ability to blend into the shadows and remain unseen as well as silent due to my zone of silence spell which was why while everyone else had all suffered severe wounds during the continuing conflict I had remained unscathed which was exactly how I had foreseen it actually. Everything was moving according to plan and I realized as Dirty Anna started to unleash the fury of her new soul enhanced eldritch blasts it would be time to pull my new pistols to assist. I telepathically asked Mickey the Torch and Lucky Ron if they wanted to be dropped near the ground or brought into the fray and Lucky Ron had said to the battle so I had the Air Elementals drop the two of them off near the soldiers. As a distraction I sent the Air Elementals into separate and form whirlwinds as well as attempting to place one of them to sleep with my fey deep slumber. I knew the whirlwinds might only distract them for seconds with the power of the weapons they were using but it would mean they would lose an attack to disrupt it which was on less wound suffered by my allies. Mickey the Torch when he landed had unleashed his signature breath weapon upon the soldier as well as Slick Rick but it cause him to draw fire which worked to our advantage. My deep slumber failed I could not wait for Dirty Anna since she had decided to stay behind with Clean Eugene who had vanished. I cast a haste spell with which I was able to effect my Unicorns, Lucky Ron, Mickey the Torch as well as myself and it then sent one of them back to pick up Dirty Anna. I tried to confer the situation to the others that we needed to concentrate our attacks but I could see that they were perhaps too involved in their individual battles but I did receive an acknowledgement from Lucky Ron to make it happen. I actually already had as the soldier that had been blasted by Dirty Anna I put down with two shots from my Desert Eagle as well as a well timed trample from one of my Unicorns. While Dirty Anna mounted my Unicorn and was carried closer into the fray where I could support her with my Unicorns if necessary we continued our onslaught and soon we had taken out two more soldiers in same fashion. Slick Rick dispatched one he had been fighting while Lucky Ron took down another with his bare hands. I had needed to send the Unicorns to aid Lucky Ron as well as Hawkeye Allen as well as the Associate who had been rendered unconscious. There were only two left and then Dirty Anna fired again and her pistol exploded into her chest rendering her unconscious. I had meanwhile told the Associate I would drop off a potion if he felt he needed it as I move past. I know I could have left him wounded but if he was to die I did not want it to be on the battlefield it would be at my hand or not at all. There were only two soldiers left and one of them seemed to panic and hurled a grenade that exploded with an intense wave of heat only Clean Eugene who had faded from view and reappeared just in time to heal Dirty Anna after my Unicorns had brought her conscious seemed to be affected. He looked like he had been blasted by a fireball and it was moments later that the idiot throwing soldier was put down by a few well places shots from my Desert Eagle. We were left with only one soldier left and he looked like he was still considering taking an action well about that we would see.
I opened fire and struck him twice at which time he surrendered throwing down his weapon and the others seemed to take him at his word but I was not done not by a long shot. I spoke to him telepathically while I had my Unicorns looking menacingly upon him that he would surrender unconditionally and submit to a spell I would place upon him or he would die where he stood. He wisely chose to surrender on my terms for I could tell his will had been already broken and I cast dominate person upon him and I knew the pleasure of binding my new thralls will to my own. To even try and explain how the rush of thought and emotion feels as my mind gains dominion over another is beyond orgasmic and feels as if my Fey blood was being set on fire I can only thank my dark nature that has given me the strength to resist it’s sexual pull. I composed myself and informed the others that the medic soldier was now mine and would be giving us no more trouble as I began to gain information from my new medic thrall about his companions and their purpose here. I could not hold onto my Unicorns any longer that day and I mentally bid them farewell and I saw something strange Dirty Anna had shattered which meant she had turned invisible but as my see invisibility spell was still operating I could see the she was attempting to drag two of the bodies away no doubt to feast on their organs while they were still fresh. Meanwhile Lucky Ron who had been shot by a interesting wrist pistol from one of the soldiers seemed eager to examine them as well as their weapons. My mind was drawn back to my thrall for I was curious about the nature of their weapons and the magic they had used and I was intrigued to find out that he felt there power was nothing compared to the power the stood to gain from a sacrifice they were preparing for in their underground lair. I compelled him to tell me what he knew and if natives of Hyboria were involved and he did not seem to think so and did not seem to be aware of any natives of Hyboria running around. My new thrall I knew would prove useful for it seemed that he and his former companions had been stationed her to protect their fresh water supply. Somehow everyone in the underground facility depended on this source of water to enable them to sustain themselves. I also had to admit I was pleased and not just from the neck rub from my new thrall for he also had believed that he and his team were the most powerful force they could bring to bear and to see them defeated in little over a minute had caused his mind to temporally become unbalanced. Well imbalance was something I liked in a thrall and I am sure in no time he would be ready to turn to our side.
So there we had it we had taken down a strike team that lead me to understand the value of warning from the Lamp of Al-Hazred about the Island being dangerous. If we had not worked together or shall I be honest and say had I not been there then tragedy may very well had befallen Dragonfirre. Alas I was there and prepared for the worst and if the is more like it to come then I have a obedient medic thrall to lead the way. Now what to do about my lover Dirty Anna’s growing appetite and the dangerous Associate whose sanity I was still concerned about will have to be dealt with soon enough I am sure. I was beginning to wonder about her using her soul to strengthen her eldritch powers and if it might have unforeseen side effects. On the plus side most of X Island seemed to be heavy forested and if the conditions remained the same then having Slick Rick around would be an advantage that could not be beat. Meanwhile everyone but myself were still wounded and it might take some time for everyone to achieve full health. On the plus side I did have a new thrall who contained plenty of fresh information that I could not wait to feast upon. We all have our own appetites after all and I figure with all that lay ahead of us we need to take pleasure where we can find it. I don’t plan on letting my guard down this close to an objective and with Dragonfirre and the Organizations Agents as backup we just need to keep our eyes on the Orb. By the will of Aphrodite and the power of my intellect and the persuasiveness of my charms the traps laid by the Dreaming God will not contain us we will be free to enjoy our passions and embrace life and if we must take the lives of others along the way then I shall lay the blame at the feet of the Dreaming God after we topple it from its throne so says Beauty the Brain.
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