While I will be moving forward in a moment with latest entry of my tale I will let you know in advance that I had a few things to get off my beautiful chest first. But before that a brief summary of our most recent sightseeing trip on the world called Emerald.
On to the business at hand this had most recently involved the base of the Stolen Eye Wizard. My compatriots known as Dragonfirre well with the exception of Mickey the Torch and Clean Eugene who had once again faded stood with me as we had stood within the parking lot in front of the University Park Science Building Two. It seemed an arcane eye had spotted us and within moments summoned creatures Servitors, Flying Polyps and Dimensional Hounds who had suddenly arrived to make our day a little more interesting. While I of course remained calm the battle that was to come was not without its excitement with Vadania and Symerria almost dying several times each. Not to worry of course as always I had a plan and Dragonfirre did not disappoint. It took us less than a minute but we with a moderate amount of effort beat back the Stolen Eye Wizards guardians breach his stronghold and liberate the bodies of our slain Organization comrades. Of course there was a message from the Stolen Eye Wizard who wanted to meet us and while it seemed could have done worse to our companions he had held off. It seemed the Starlords were already trying to make use of their newly gained intelligence and had tried to make the Stolen Eye Wizard our enemy. In the end we had decided to withdraw to our temporary base and allow Vadania the time to bring our lost Agents back to life. Don’t get me wrong it might have looked simple but as I shall reveal things are not always how they seem as after all Glamour Is Free try not to forget it.
Alright I will admit that perhaps during my last entry I may have come off as a hopeless romantic when in reality nothing could be further than the truth. All I can say is that I must have been suffering from a light case of Fey Dementia. Now you might have been wondering as to the cause and you might have heard of the tales of the Fey abducting mortals from time to time to use as plaything. Trust me those captives losing their minds from the joy and the pleasure of the experience is real. Well if not it’s not really just a myth it really happens from time to time and let me just say while I was not still swooning after my sexual encounter with Symerria it had been really two long since I had been able to experience the love of the Fey. Let’s just say it was like a drug that I had never even knew that I had missed. It had suddenly made sense to me now why my Mother in the past had always surrounded be with compatible Fey lovers. For I realized with the fix I had been receiving on a constant basis I had never really realized that it was something that I missed. I had always just believed that my urges were a natural part of being Fey and while that may still be true I now realized that when someone truly understood how to sexually work all of my Fey pleasure centers it produced a chemical similar to dopamine that lulled me into a somewhat submissive and relaxed state.
Now of course once adrenalin had started to flow into my system I suddenly shook off the pleasurable feelings and my mind slowed the world around me down and I suddenly realized what had happened to me. Alright I will still admit that I have become close with my Dragonfirre companions and perhaps even closer with a number of them. For the most part in my mind not a bad thing after all a little pleasure here and there is good for the soul and a worthwhile reward after a task well done or even an abysmal failure take your pick. But let’s be honest was I really in love with every member of Dragonfirre not really so did I really need to become all obsessed for no apparent reason of course not. I guess did that mean that I planned to go on a blood thirsty massacre of the Starlord’s the first chance I got well of course I did. If figured at the time perhaps even sooner than later depending on if I could manage to get my hands on enough explosives to blow up both of their spaceports and any ships that might be in the hangers to Hades.
Well Mickey the Torch who had conveniently vanished had moments before walked into the Science Center Two and no doubt set off an alert for I had noticed an arcane eye watching us from a nearby tree. Thankfully Slick Rick and Lucky Ron had noticed it as well not that we had much time to think about it. We had been in the midst of a discussion on how we could either lure out the guards who I expected to be inside to a place of our choosing or just move on in a face the minions of the Stolen Eye Wizard head on. While I will admit I had been feeling different ever since my sexual encounter with Symerria which perhaps might have caused me to be thinking a little more cautiously. The fact that Symerria and Vadania seemed to favor leading them away had caused me to reject the frontal assault while Slick Rick and Lucky Ron favored the direct route oddly that choice was taken out of my hands.
I had hoped to use a magical means to summon the Organization Agents but it turned out that the Stolen Eye Wizard had other plans and had instead sent a strike force to deal with us. Before you could say Holy Zeus we were being surrounded by alien minded Servitors, Flying Polyps and Dimensional Hounds intent on ripping us limb from limb quite literally. I had sensed their approach mentally but they had formed right in our midst with the Flying Polyps opening up with hurricane force winds that literally ripped the flesh from Lucky Ron, Professor Moonshower and the attractive but stoic Vadania. I knew from the telepathic link that I was maintaining that she had been planning on using a spell to strengthen Lucky Ron but I knew her energies would be needed to ensure her own survival. Meanwhile I had projected to Symerria whoever could cast a haste spell first to do it. I was able to focus and unleashed the haste spell and then being energized and quickened by my magic raised Widow Maker and fired at a Flying Polyp. I noticed that Symerria had been wounded as well and for the most part I realized that the two weak links in our equation were Vadania and myself for the others could become almost untouchable such were the blessing bestowed upon them by skill, nature or the divine forces. This was why I had called upon my own many hidden talents and allowed the shadows to conceal me within plain sight. I could see a storm brewing and I could tell by the look on Slick Rick’s face that the fury of nature was about to be unleashed.
I realized pretty quick with over twelve of minions and more appearing every second that things were going to get even more interesting. Which meant it would soon be time to summon my Unicorns from the Feywild for everyone including myself would soon be in the need of healing. Lucky Ron had started his intricate dance moving like a dervish daring our foes to strike him while engaging a Servitor. Meanwhile Slick Rick had transformed into a Dire Wolf and savagely attacked a nearby Flying Polyp while simultaneously he called upon the power of the coming storm to call down lightning. Symerria while wounded was holding her own with her magics directing them against our foes. Even Professor Moonshower had pulled twin modified guns from his wrist and began firing. I fired Widow Maker once again upon the Flying Polyp and unleashed a mass whelm spell to attempt to shatter the minds of our foes. Only one fell from my assault but they were weakened which was the point after all.
My Unicorns answered my call for Vadania who had looked on the verge of death yet still stood her ground and had healed herself had been struck down seconds later . So I sent my summoned friends to Lucky Ron another to Vadania to bolster her own healing abilities and finally to myself. Just for the record I knew Lucky Ron would never retreat unless we started to die. Meanwhile I knew that Slick Rick had the ability as did I to depart at anytime but from the looks of him he was ready to cry havoc and bring war to our enemies. So I had anticipated staying put and holding my ground but I had communicated to my last Unicorn to make sure I was teleported away and healed if the worse were to occur. With the aid of Widow Maker I continued to weaken the Flying Polyp that I knew was one of our greatest threats. Of course the number of Stolen Eye Wizard’s minions now numbered sixteen and many of them had appeared at the doors of the Science Center I could see they were getting ready to break and attack at a moment’s notice.
The Stolen Eye Wizard’s minions attack was vicious and Symerria went down hard for she had been struck by another of the hellish whirlwinds of a Flying Polyp which had struck me as well. We had been surrounded I thought to regroup us which I had hoped would give Symerria the chance once she had recovered to unleash her more destructive magics. Of course I knew she would recover never did I have a doubt so telepathically telling everyone we were moving I first used the power of my dimension boots to travel sixty feet away and I had then cast my shadow regroup spell. The shadows enveloped us and I had pulled Symerria, Professor Moonshower, and my Unicorns sadly Lucky Ron, Slick Rick and therefore Vadania had stayed behind. My Unicorns focused on Symerria and as her eyes opened I could not fail to notice that all of her cloths had been destroyed and even near death she was a vision. My own non magical garments had been ripped to shreds as well leaving me only standing in my feycraft mithral and ass kicking dimension stride boots. Of course my Hat of Mystery still maintained their glamour but I realized that the Flying Polyps must use a sense similar to my Mindsight for they seemed able to target me with ease. As Symerria’s awareness had returned I had helping her to her feet while filling in the details and that the others had stayed back and I could sense her drawing on her tie to the Arch’s to unleash a unholy smite upon the summoned evil creatures. I had felt a connection of light flash through me that reminded me of the Seelie Court my Mother had been born of that Court but I had never found it appealing until that moment. The divine power of the holy smite had weakened all of the summoned creatures that had surrounded our friends and while Vadania stood unscathed both Lucky Ron and Slick Rick I could tell had been mildly affected as well.
Soon we had been surrounded by the remaining of the Stolen Eye Wizard’s forces and I will admit I was thankful that they only the Flying Polyps could see me. The same could not be said for Symerria for yet another Flying Polyp flew to us and unleashed it fury of wind. It seemed that Vadania had been noticed and by combined attacks fell to the ground unconscious near death. There were so many of them and I felt like I was playing chess with the Stolen Eye Wizard and if so then so be it. I had already done my own version of a Queen sided castle breaking us up and saving Symerria. It was then time to perform a King sided castle for I needed Slick Rick for in the wind blast I had lost my Unicorns. I knew I still had to means to revive Symerria but I would have nothing left for Vadania so as I prepared another regroup spell I had called for Slick Rick’s help and once again asked Lucky Ron to join us. I knew he might not accept for I realized if he could still see us then he was within his element the field of battle. My spell was unleashed and Slick Rick who had been still calling down lightning strikes healed Vadania while I had used the full power of my healing belt to revive Symerria. Slick Rick then resumed his battle rage and started to unleash his fury once again on those that surrounded us. Professor Moonshower had pulled out two rods and I had heard him say something about anti-matter and I realized that if the other Organization Agents were the mold then he was the finished product. Professor Moonshower had managed to withstand assaults and attacks that would have outright killed any of our former Organization Agents. I of course had healed Symerria and once again pulled her to her feet and once again she unleashed a holy smith upon the creatures surrounding Lucky Ron.
I had considered a last ditch gambit for Symerria had asked if I could perhaps magically perform a dismissal upon the summoned evil creatures. I had thought it over and I had even confided in Slick Rick my plan and I had to thank him for his wisdom for while the chances would have been slim I had been counting on Lucky Ron’s lucky streak who I could still see dancing and making the creatures look foolish to work for me. Slick Rick had said “Really you don’t have anything else.” “Save that for a last ditch effort.” I had thought back of course I have something else and unleashed a perfectly placed shadow fireball directly upon the Stolen Eyed Wizard’s creatures. Only one of the creatures still stood and I had raised Widow Maker to finish it and I had asked Lucky Ron “Do you want me to take it down or do you want it.” His response had been instant “Deal with the ones still surrounding you.” So be it Symerria who had not been idle unleashing magical sonic blasts and even her reserve fire blasts had weakened on and I had chosen her target and fired but it still it stood or actually flew as I had expected.
It was a quick clean up after that with Slick Rick’s lightning and fangs, Lucky Ron with his flashing Katana, even Professor Moonshower who finally managed to make his anti-matter rods work. I have to admit I liked the look of that explosion and while the Professor had been thrown to his feet It had looked spectacular. One Flying Polyp had tried to withdraw and had started to swell. One of the teleporting hounds had teleported from the battle to the top of the Science Center where he seemed to be waiting for something. Another had tried to fly away managing to survive a mighty combined assault by Slick Rick and even Professor Moonshower. Symerria destroyed the Flying Polyp that had been looking like it was trying to build up to something while with the aid of Widow Maker I had shot the last Flying Polyp from the sky. The last Dimensional Hound teleported away what a coward I thought.
Then again I had realized that the Stolen Eye Wizard must have thought we would give up or run. Too bad he had realized too late that he had been dealing with Dragonfirre the scourge of Emerald. I am not ashamed to admit that I prefer a clean victory and I absolutely love when my enemy concedes victory it’s almost orgasmic. On the other had I was soon to find out that the Stolen Eyed Wizard had conceded and tried to set himself up for a future game which might even be friendly instead of deadly. Finally I would think later we were dealing with a civilized egotistical Emerald power monger. I had cast an arcane sight spell and I had scanned around with my Mindsight but as far as I could determine we were alone. Well with the exception of the yelling and screaming college students did I forget to mention those students running around. Not to mention the Stolen Eye Wizard’s creatures had not vanished when they had been defeated instead their rotting bodies were still lying around and I thought bad form Mister Stolen Eye Wizard bad form indeed.
Not being one to waste time I had realized that as our Organization Agents were truly dead I would not be able to summon them after all with a regroup spell. So be it I would have to do it the old fashioned way and as I instructed the others to move forward I had cast a locate object spell to locate their bodies which would now be considered objects. I followed up by summoning a Shadow Air Elemental and dispatched it to be my eyes and ears to locate them and deal with anything unpleasant before we encountered it. Lucky Ron spends a moment with the doorman or security officer while I had gleamed from his mind that he had called police. It also had seemed that he had no idea what had happened and therefore I let him live perhaps Symerria was having an effect on me. With a little guidance my Shadow Air Elemental had found the Agents bodies surrounding a glowing sphere in the center of an expansive room. I had instructed it to move their bodies away and outside the doorway as we arrived I could see something else their bodies were in plastic bags with strange rip cords attached.
Would you believe they had been prepped to become Zombies in a bag. I know I have said in the past that I know a bit about everything well it is true of course but I try to not be a show off. So I had confirmed with Slick Rick and Vadania what I had deduced and after a few moments that had concurred. While we had walked up to third floor to join my Elemental I had been using my Wand of Curing to restore myself so I was at full health and ready to go. No reason to deal with a possible magical trap if you don’t have to and my Shadow Air Elemental had already started dumping their bodies out of the bags and I had cast a greater floating disk to hold their weight. We had a discussion about what to do with the Zombie bags and alright being a little greedy I wanted to keep them because well you never know. In the end with everyone except me wanting to destroy the bags we decided to throw them in a nearby furnace as we left. Which left me with the glowing magic in the room and as I looked at it with my arcane sight I realized it was a message for me from my chess opponent the Stolen Eye Wizard.
I had conferred with the other that I would be approaching the spell and to be at the ready. I love the confidence they have in me well most of the time anyway. As I had came closer the spell enacted as I had anticipated and a very interesting message was left for my from the Stolen Eye Wizard which could be heard by all. His message was interesting. “I would have preferred to have met you in person. I apologize the former so called owners of your companions had informed me to be on the lookout for a group that would come here that were a threat to my life. I realized my error to late and as you will see I did not pull the cord and transform you allies into Zombies. If you still wish to meet come to the Diagonal Club and we can have a meal and chat.” . So far so good I had thought and I had thought to Moonshower what is a Diagonal Club? He had told me a nightclub I had thought the name had sounded familiar but that a story for another time. I told the others we were moving out to our safe house and I followed my statement by telling everyone that I was going to turn us invisible and we were going to walk right out of there.
With my Mindsight and being invisible it was easy to evade everyone of import at the University and we were soon at our temporary base of loft three blocks away and it was time for Vadania to get to work. Once again I notice that she had started to heal everyone and as I was now once again visible to all she had even asked me if I was wounded. She had said “I am the Healer and is anyone one wounded.” The firmness and absolute conviction with which she had made that statement had bordered on callous even arrogant. Really I had though she is the healer when in reality she was just the strongest healer. For that matter had she really just forgotten not minutes before both Slick Rick and I had saved her life by healing her. I had let it go for the moment and when she had next asked who do I raise first I of course had told her Swami Donnie. For a moment Lucky Ron had considered just leaving and perhaps we might but first things first I thought. Which of course meant Gizmo Dent, Mac Daddy and Starving Marvin were next up on the list to be raised. It only took her four minutes to bring them back to us while I had once again pulled my Wand of Curing and healed our proud Healer.
While Vadania had been busy raising our companions I had conferred with Slick Rick and personally thanked him for saving Vadania. He had told me “You pulled me away from nature’s wrath to heal someone who seems to have no respect for my abilities.”. “You need to watch Vadania her arrogance and her actions insult me as she continues to imply that she is the only Healer and therefore she insults you as well .” I had told him “I know she is has never had a family and I with the aid of Symerria teach her how to respect and love others.” . Speaking of Symerria she had been wearing Professor Moonshower’s trench coat and I had walked over to her and removed it and provided her with a new hooded trench coat and of course a set simple set of black cotton cloths that I had fashioned for her. It had absolutely pained me to do it as it had been ages since I had had to shall we say slum it but Slick Rick had said it best. When speaking of nature “What is staying out in nature to good for you!”. So I had made her sets of simple cloths which then of course resided in my backpack since she could not own them herself.
Vadania had been exhausted and suddenly Symerria had started waiting on her hand and foot as she had prepared a bed for her to lie on. I have to admit I thought she was putting it on a little thick but perhaps she was tiring of her pet dog Vadania who worshipped the very ground she walked on. What I would not have done for a few docile Gnomes to give me a backrub but then again I had Gizmo Dent and Mac Daddy back once again at my beck and call things were looking up. Business first of course I had conferred with Swami Donnie about their ordeal and he had been truly thankful and amazed that we had come back for them. I had apologized to him for leaving them behind and he conferred that he had never felt that had happened and had not lost faith. I found out that he had revealed a great deal to the Starlords who had indeed drugged tortured and finally killed them. I could almost feel the cold sense of doom that had overshadowed them as they had been told him that there were going to be drugged, tortured until they gave up every piece of useful information they could offer and then they were going to be executed. Well if my mind had not already been made up before then it was now genocide was the way to go for the vile Starlords with perhaps a few left behind for experimentation or breeding a new servitor race I would have wait and see.
I had told Vadania to rest fast for we were on Emerald where danger never sleeps and let her know that when she was refreshed we had to talk. Alright I did not really like Vadania that much either but at least she was honest about her feelings and I could understand what it was like to be friendless. For while I had never been a loner my loneliness had taken another form since I had been taught since childhood to hid my real self in plain sight and to never reveal you true intentions or motives as they could be used against you. On the other hand Vadania had been an outcast and it would be up to Symerria and me to bring her out of her darkness and into the light and if we were lucky even find her someone worthy of her. Well a woman can dream at least and I was willing to give her a chance to be my friend.
Something was wrong for suddenly Scrounger was gone and as I looked back so was Symerria. Well it seemed that wonders never ceased I had followed my passions and so far all had turned out well. If Symerria had vanished I could be content with the fact that wherever she might be she was safe. We would have to wait for Vadania to gain the strength to raise our other Organization Agents and the Stolen Eye Wizard still had an item we sought the Great Race Status Cube. For that matter it had seemed that like the Red Menace had been doing attempting to gather his own set of items for his own grand scheme. Wow the Dreaming God really had this world of Emerald wrapped around his tentacles. Well it was high time for Dragonfirre to light the fires and burn our way to the truth and if my plans worked out perhaps gain a few more allies to boot. I figured if I played my cards right we could ally all of the worlds factions against the Starlords while we took out the Dreaming God himself. For as the mighty Titans once fell before the Olympians with Dragonfirre at my side this was a game whose stakes while high were worth the risk and in this case my passion was my duty.
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