It’s ironic that it took the liberation of another Hyborian named Yussuf who turned out to be a Paladin of Hercules who actually suddenly reminded me of someone. The sad part was he seemed filled with his own self importance not to mention conceited and filled with pompous sort of self abandon which actually reminded me of myself which actually caused me to laugh. It caused me to actually have to take a moment and step back and realize that perhaps I have been taking myself way to seriously lately. So while I spend quite some time babysitting some Magicians and even dealing with a few who seemed intent on ending the life of my beloved Nialla as well as some quality time with Erik and Morgan. It was the arrival of our new Hyborian as well as the reaction to his arrival that will signal a new direction for my future entries where I will endeavor to include more information from my other companions for while I know that I am a genius if I only provide my point of view without the proper context then I might come off seeming conceited and overbearing instead of brilliant and beautiful.
When last I had last left off our group of Hyborians were dealing with six Magicians and while two of them were already resting in a magical slumber curtsey of well you know and two had been put down hard by the Warlocks Nialla and Alth two more had literally thrown themselves out windows over one hundred and twenty feet above the ground to escape us. So while I called to Erik by use of my message spell to hopefully as he had before save another Magician blasted by Warlock eldritch bolts since I wanted them taken alive. I ran to the window calling on my fey power to summon a large air elemental which I knew would be able to grab one of the Magicians perhaps even both but I only saw one and so I asked my elemental to grab him and bring him to the roof. As I stared to race back up the way I had come to reach the room I called out to Morgan to let him know to make his way back to the roof and I could see Shiron nearby as well as Erik who was able to inform me that the other Magician with the aid of his healing touch would live. Morgan had called back to me that he had lost his short sword and without he felt he would be useless. At the time I even remember thinking back to Morgan’s tale while it’s true he was the last survivor of a secretive elven ninja clan that truly left more questions unanswered than it answered. I knew from information my Mother had told me ironically about the demise of his clan before I even knew he was a ninja and it was indeed a sad tale that one day I will dedicate a separate section to covering. I shall say while I do not like it I will say for the most part Morgan has been honest in his belief that he is not an assassin or spy but in actuality a merchant. This was a separate sect that used the unique skills learned by the ninja to acquire objects needed by the Elves by any means necessary. So while they might excel as spies or assassins if they chose they in reality were specialists in the both retrieval and the protection of artifacts of value or at least that was the belief. In the world of reality where things never seemed to work exactly as planned he seemed to be having issues. For that moment as I used my spell granted arcane sight which should have allowed me to detect any magical emanations within one hundred and twenty feet was I failed to find Morgan’s short sword which I will admit looking back should not have been possible. The only magic near me that was not mine belonged to Shiron and Erik who both had both magic weapons, armor and backpacks and while I would not accuse either of them of foul play since I trusted them both I figured I would leave any unfounded suspicious to back of my mind for I had other things at the moment to occupy my mind like the too fleeing Magicians and Nialla. I messaged back to Morgan we needed to leave and that I was sorry that I could not find his sword and we would have to come back for it. He seemed unhappy but I only hoped that if his job was in reality to watch over me which was how I saw it as not really protect as he seemed to be taking it lately he would follow. I know I am a heartbreaker or shall I say Markessa De’Mornae was and yes I know too many it might look like we were one and the same but in reality while in I might take on the role of Markessa in the future what truly drove that part of my personality has since been purged. So while I was thankful that Nialla, Morgan and perhaps even Erik liked and perhaps even loved me I had no intention of breaking any of their hearts and I just hoped by Aphrodite I found a way to stop there constant bickering. I arrived at the roof and just in time it would seem for as my Air Elemental was depositing the Magician at my feet and I placed him in a magical deep slumber and had called out to Nialla that I had my Magician and if she had hers she said yes but I sensed some hesitation in her voice. Wow Nialla my dark obsession beautiful, exotic and loving with just the right touch of danger how my heart ached for her. It did not take a genius to realize what she was going thru for I had been there myself for the last five years but in her case her future was tied to her path and not just her choices. I could tell the look of someone doing battle with their fiendish heritage and that was why I was not going to leave her side for I had something she did not realize I had with which I have never spoken of and that would be my years spent at the Unseelie Court and learning how to survive in the court of the Queen of Air and Darkness. So I really doubt whatever dark or manipulative force may be trying to draw her into darkness or even trying to lure me into something against my will really knows who they are really dealing with more than likely I am being used as a lure to gain a foothold on Nialla’s psyche which may mean we may have to have a revealing heart to heart talk sooner than later. The hesitation I had deduced from Nialla’s voice was soon justified when she called out that she was under attack and needed help. She claimed to be under attack from some creature that had been summoned by the Magician. As I could not locate her I called for her to fly to the room and enter the Stone of Tongues which would enable me to deal with the creature as well as the Magician while she recovered from her wounds. As Nialla came into view I dispatched my air elemental to hinder the creature that seemed to be trying to make a meal of my beloved Nialla. The Magician seemed to be blasting magic missiles into Nialla as well but she made it to the roof and close enough to Buerick and willed herself into the Stone. Buerick who was standing there looking regal and eloquently Elven was watching the arrival of the helicopters he looked back for a moment and said are you bringing that creature to us and I told him yes but not to worry I had everything under control. So while the unexpected happened and Nialla vanished along with the creature into the Realm within Stone which seemed literally latched onto her back I focused and placed the last Magician who had fallen to the rooftop into a magical deep slumber. I called to the others to hurry up since Fascist Police forces were on their way and we had the Magicians and it was time to leave while Buerick still had time to slip away. So as the others started to arrive with the Magicians in tow I looked to Buerick and asked about Nialla and was overjoyed when he told me that she had already dealt with the creature. Within moments we were able to transport the Magicians into the Realm with the Stone and Buerick had made his escape by making a death defying shape changing leap down the side of the building.
As we had now achieved my primary objective which was to acquire the Magicians it was now only a matter of time before we had any solid information about their leadership, magic and hopefully the ultimate prize the location of the Wish Projector. I was busy attending to the Magicians and Nialla seemed to be healing using her Warlock powers as well as consulting with the Lamp of Al-Hazed which seemed to had called to her to inform her that we were now within a few blocks of yet another preserved Hyborian as well as informing her that what had attacked her was a Star Vampire. While my focus was now on the Magicians all of the other seemed determined to free yet another Hyborian and from the way things were looking we may have lost our chance with the last Hyborian for I am sure all of the activity would have scared off the Central City Police but it seemed redemption was at hand with the possible liberation of a different one. So it came to pass that while the others decided to exit the realm I asked Morgan to stay with me to assist me in rendering the sleeping Magicians unconscious and also I needed to have a few private words with my dear Morgan. So while the others made their way to the cars and drove a few blocks to a warehouse where our new Hyborian was said to be located Morgan and I were able to come to a meeting of minds as it were. Well as I turned to Morgan I just had to ask him “By the Trickster Loki what possessed you to go in the building your put the entire operation as well as yourself at risk.” He replied “I felt that heading up the stairs would prevent their attempted escape as well as make sure we would not face an unexpected ambush from below us.” Now while I understood his point that last I had heard was that everyone one was heading into the Stone of Tongues with the exception of Buerick, Nialla and I. The plan I had believed and I even stated “Before I turned invisible Shiron and the others had already agreed to enter the Stone and be released on the roof by Buerick after I had been able to do a magical scan of the area.” He replied “I never agreed with that plan and therefore I went up on my own.” At which point I responded “Which lead to you coming under attack and calling for help and placing the entire operation in jeopardy!” Now from there our discussion became really heated and the end result being that I asked Morgan when we were on a mission with an objective that if he left on his own would he at least let someone know or take someone with him. He actually had the nerve to turn the tables on me and ask that I do the same thing. Well that could be a problem I told him because that was not my style. He of course had responded then why was I not held to the same rules as he and I sadly had to make it clear to him. He left me with no choice as I told him the hard truth “Morgan the ways that I operate and travel you do not have the ability to keep up and besides that if I ever head off on my own I never expect anyone to come to my assistance the same which cannot be said about you.” . He of course chose to once again make it personal and responded that “You are my responsibility and you need to find a way for me to come with you.” I had looked at Morgan and I realized something for while I knew I loved Morgan he was never likely to become the man I had hoped and knew he could be. I would not give up hope but I could now understand more than ever before why Aphrodite never gave her love to only one but shared her love with all because otherwise she could risk having her heart broken. I was glad for the distraction when Buerick’s voice came to us and asked for Morgan to come out to assist with gaining information on the warehouse believed to hold a Hyborian. Morgan seemed to be happy to depart and barely even said goodbye as I asked him to ask Erik to join me once he arrived. For while I did want the company and Erik I knew would provide more than a perfect distraction and perhaps someone to share some Hyborian Mead I also did not want Erik and Morgan alone on the outside world without me if I could help it. So within moments Erik arrived looking as regal and noble as well as just downright sexually intoxicating I almost forgot about the Hyborian Mead.
As Morgan and I stood there guarding the Magicians I asked him what about what had been going around the warehouse while I also called to the Lamp of Al-Hazed to fill me in on any interesting information about the area. The Lamp told me that the area was also right above the hidden lair of the Central City crime gang the Grey Ghosts. Erik whose presence both relaxed and excited me was going on about how Morgan had been needed to sneak into the warehouse and investigate the area before we attempted to move in. What could I say about the Asgardian Erik Normash other than to say build like a true man of the north with the charisma of a dragon and I would wager my magical rapier a Silverbrow which had actually been proven to me when he had jumped out of a building to escape a certain Bast allied Death knight. So I know I may have never mentioned my love of Dragons but I had spent a great deal of time with Dragon Shamans in Asgard a few years back as Astridr (Divine Beauty) Hansen while I learned their language draconic. So to have the chance to converse with Erik in the ancient and eloquent draconic was a pleasure in and of itself. While I served him some Hyborian Mead and what a pleasure it is to sometimes serve as he informed me of the details that had led to Morgan being needed on Emerald. I should mention that our new Hyborian addition the gnome who went by the name Alth had of course vanished perhaps for good I hoped but I doubted I would be so lucky. As I lounged and listened to the rich baritone of Erik’s voice I realized that they needed his skills at stealth to give us insight into what lay inside the warehouse. We also conversed about the fate of the six captured Magicians and while I felt we might only need the Leader I also considered finding the weakest one and perhaps charming him just in case. With Erik’s help we rendered the other four with the exception of the leader and the other wounded Magician unconscious the old fashioned way. As we then turned to the arch to watch the actions of the others on Emerald. I will admit I would have preferred to have been relaxing with Erik in the tree house and even perhaps doing some other thinks with him which would have helped calm my nerves since Morgan had me so worked up but his voice so strong and firm actually seemed to be doing the job nicely.
While I was unable to determine due to lack of sound everything that was said I was able to determine that Morgan had entered the warehouse and quickly returned. What had followed was a request for all of us to come out of the Realm within the Stone to help handle another group of Magicians who seemed to be guarding the Hyborian who was encased in ice and hooked up to some technological device not doubt to keep him preserved. While those present discussed how they might assault the building they were approached by two monk like figures who seemed to be curious as to what was going on in the area. I am not sure exactly how much information was exchanged between the two and Shiron and Nialla but I was not pleased. I had asked the Lamp for any information on the strange monk like figures and I was informed that they were no doubt in the area because the crypt of the Grey Ghost reputed to be a Lich was literally less than a block away. It was about this time that one of the Magicians slipped away I figured not doubt to go check on their missing companions. About the same time that I was I questioning the Lamp Buerick my enchanting connection to the physical world actually informed everyone that if they entered the Stone he could arrange to acquire the Hyborian. No what was strange was that Morgan, Nialla as well as Shiron completely ignored Buerick. For while as I had expected Buerick cast the druidical spell primal from and assumed the form of an Earth Elemental and was preparing to submerge and acquire the Hyborian when all hell broke loose. For Morgan decided to enter the room ghost step and hurl one of his shuriken at one of the Magicians taking one down instantly while Nialla moved in right after him and started unleashing eldritch bolts laid another Magician down his body smoking and her eldritch bolts even arched and seemed to shake another. Buerick emerged in his elemental form and moved to the Hyborian and I mentally called to him that I would be ready when he needed to emerge once he had secured the Hyborian or even at that very moment if need be. He had replied that he had everything well in hand and would need me once he had freed the Hyborian from Magician hands. Meanwhile the remaining Magicians were not being idle their leader summoned a huge eighteen foot tall four armed fanged monstrosity the likes of which I had never seen which began to move toward Buerick and the others opened fire with both magic missiles as well as with their guns upon my beloved Nialla. The multi-armed and fanged creature struck at Buerick obviously intent on keeping him from the Hyborian but while it scored two glancing blows Buerick all but ignored its assault and acting swiftly grabbed the Hyborian and vanished into the earth and sadly I lost sight of the battle within the warehouse. I was not worried for I knew that our Kensai Shiron was there and if he drew his sword the creature as well as the Magicians would soon realize what I meant to face a warrior born. Buerick emerged from the earth into an alley across the street from the warehouse and called for me I of course had turned myself invisible well actually greater invisibility so that I could take hostile action if necessary and still remain out of sight. I emerged and what I witnessed almost broke my calm for as I exited the Stone I called out to the others to make sure they were alright just as I saw Shiron come running out of the Warehouse followed quickly by Nialla and Morgan. They were not alone three other Magicians as well as their summoned beast exited the building as well. They had summoned Star Vampires one for Morgan and one for Nialla and even while they were shooting her as well as hurling magical missiles at her she still was determined to destroy the Star Vampires even while I could see her life force being drained away and my heart ached for her. Morgan called to me that Nialla needed help and I had called back to him I will take care of it just make sure Nialla makes it to the Stone. Shiron had pulled a pistol of his own and was shooting the summoned monstrosity while I called for everyone to make their way to the Stone because I was going to deal with our Magicians and their summoned friend. I realize the other were not doubt wondering what I had planned that would take care of all four of our remaining shall I call them distractions. Well their problem was they were all standing with twenty feet of each other which meant perfect placement for a solid fog which would stop them in their tracks for once within its confines there movement would be slowed to a crawl and they would also be blinded by my calculations they would be trapped for at least twelve seconds which by my time table was more than enough time for us to slip away. Before I could cast my spell Nialla was blasted again by magic missiles and by sheer will alone she seemed to be still standing as she used her eldritch blasts to destroy both her own Star Vampire as well as Morgan’s. I was able to cast my solid fog spell and I informed everyone I was going entering the Stone and called for everyone to join me so Buerick would have time to withdraw before they even knew what happened. I will admit the thought did cross my mind to eliminate the Magicians but due to the fact that the conflict had spilled out into the street we continued to expose more of our abilities if we remained. I willed myself and the Hyborian into the realm and waited with baited breath for Nialla and Morgan to arrive.
As I returned to the Realm within the Stone I did not even realize I was holding my breath until Nialla emerged into the jungle clearing and I was holding her in my arms. I had all but forgotten the arrival of our new Hyborian and while Morgan and Erik began to look it over I first checked to make sure that Nialla was going to be alright. I looked her completely over from head to toe to make sure there were no hidden creatures or other surprises while she drank a potion. I looked back to examine the strange tubes literally stuck into our Hyborian as well as the electronic control panel and I realized this might take a little time unless I decided to just throw a lever near the bottom. As I looked to Nialla I had considered using my wand or giving her my potion bottle but she let me know she wanted me to save the potions in case of an emergency and would seek out Null. I called out with my mind to Buerick letting him know that Nialla was severely wounded and if by natures grace if he might be able to help and graciously he told me to send her out. As I looked to the arch I could see Buerick in a car with Fluky Luke and I then turned to my beloved and said to her “Buerick is waiting for you he will be able to help you heal.” Nialla smiled at me and said she would back and vanished from the realm to join Buerick on Emerald and be healed. Once I saw her safely arrive I turned my attention back to our Hyborian on ice and workings of the system that was obviously keeping him preserved and alive. I could see that Morgan had been looking over the device and we both agreed that while a lever near the bottom might very well release what I could make out to be a man he would be upside down so we needed to turn the device around. While I was not shocked when Erik reached over and threw the lever to release our new Hyborian who spilled out of the chamber and to the ground Morgan on the other had was simply livid. I was actually shocked and surprised when Morgan began to insult Erik for interfering and the situation quickly almost erupted into violence and of course there was plenty of names being calling on both sides dealing with incompetence and assassins and finally Nialla loudly calling out for both of them to stop their fighting. To be honest I was almost ready to place them both in a solid fog as I was in complete shock that Morgan was taking such an offense. Nialla was naturally upset as well as awestruck for out of the ice chamber had emerged a six foot tall brown eyed black haired figure that while he resembled a man could have also passed for the Gods gift to women. Now I will admit he was not as strikingly handsome as Erik he was clean shaven and wet from head toe and as he threw his head back to clear his long hair from his face I could tell he was aware of just what kind of effect he could have on women. About the time Nialla started screaming at him Morgan chose that moment to storm off into the jungle. I could only look back at him and as I looked at Erik who looked as ready and willing for anything that the world put before him I asked him “Did you really have to antagonize Morgan?” he replied “Am I to just stand here and be insulted by him?” I told him of course not and I told him in that case I would agree fair is fair as in love and war. Our new Hyborian looked around as if surveying us as if we were slaves on the auction block and which point I turned my attention to him since I was suddenly really curious as to the effect he was having on Nialla. Now of course I have been seduced as well as done my fair share of seducing on all manner of creatures both mundane and fantastic well with the exception of undead, gnomes and dwarves to be honest. So did this new arrival really have anything on a nymph or a faun or let’s get dark and dangerous even a succubus or incubus perhaps even an angelic and lovely angel not really. Now of course I doubt Nialla has yet to deal with such things and to be honest after I introduced myself and he revealed to us that he was Yussuf the Paladin of Hercules for a moment I thought she just might swoon. So did I believe such a good presence would help her in the long run of course I did and if Yussuf seemed to be drawn to her so much the better. Now Yussuf was indeed a proud and egotistic man who wore armor that after seeing how we were dressed blended to match our clothing. I was actually the only one that he saw among all of us present who did not seem to be dressed in the style of the inhabitants of Emerald. I will admit his actions were flirtatious and compelling and I also informed Buerick of our new arrivals status while he knelt and prayed not doubt trying to reach his Hercules. Buerick informed me to make sure he was aware of the rules regarding the Realm with the Stone and the need to pay the proper respect to the ground which he had consecrated to Obad-Hai drudical god of nature. When I looked back to our new Paladin Yussuf I could see he was in the middle of some attempt at a rallying speech. While I will give him credit for effort and it was intriguing to see Nialla drinking of his words as if they were the nectar she needed to sustain her life and perhaps she did I had yet to ask her about the smell of brimstone around her that very morning. Yussuf was seeking some kind of approval to his words and to be honest I just stood there and stared at him and wondered if a night with him would be exciting or boring for in reality I knew something of the Hercules faith well actually every faith but no need to brag but then again is it really bragging if it’s true I don’t really think so but perhaps bad form to rub it in someone’s face. So while followers of Hercules were know Hyboria wide for their confidence they were sadly also know for swift action and rarely concerned with planning or debate. Well that suited me fine for while I even now had a plan to achieve our goal and as far as I was concerned the only thing holding me back so far had been the personalities that had been thrust upon me. I almost actually said as much before I caught myself and in the end I had to laugh in merriment with Yussuf for at the very least with him along I was sure to have someone around willing to show a woman a good time since it seemed that none of the other men with which I travelled seemed to be concerned with the needs of a woman much less one of fey decent of the Unseelie Court. Morgan had returned and in what I was coming to realize what I once thought of as mysterious but now I realized as bravado spoke unseen from behind Yussuf. Yussuf to his credit did not jump and even seemed as if he was going to attempt to turn the disembodied voice but then Morgan appeared. He introduced himself and after a moment asked Yussuf to speak with him away from the others for a moment. Outwardly I was maintaining my merry pose while internally I was thinking that if Morgan was sabotaging any chance I might have with Yussuf then there might indeed be more issues that needed to be resolved between us than I thought. For while I had already all but written him off as wild card in my equations to achieve our goal since Morgan had already proved himself to iron willed to follow orders or direction I still believed his insight would guide him and enable his wildness to work to our advantage. So when a few moments later he returned with a strange smile on his face that I instantly despised and he asked me to spare him a few moments to talk away from the others I agreed when in reality I wanted to cast a detect thoughts and rip the secrets of his conversation from his mind. Of course Morgan’s confidence and elegant stride won me over as he walked toward me and I joined him a few feet away from the others I did not need as much distance since my zone of silence was still active and enabled our words to not be overheard. Quite the useful spell since I will admit at night the sounds of pleasure and ecstasy that would be heard from behind the closed doors each night between Nialla and I would revealed our love affair I am sure. Morgan wanted to discuss with me more than I had expected and while I will not detail word for word what was said I will highlight the important facts. He once again had began about the sacred vow to protect me he had made to who he believed was my Patron Drusilia Nailo the Elven Diplomat and how until she released him he would be unable to share himself with me. About that point I just about lost it and I let slip with a few fluid metaphors how I suddenly despised my Mother. Morgan had of course caught my slip which lead to me revealing how angry I was at my Mother and why. I explained to him how once of the Seelie Court had thru circumstances beyond her control had ended up becoming a noble of the Unseelie Court and how the influences of the court had lead me to make certain decisions that lead my Mother to order me to claim a new name and which point Markessa De’Mornae was born. So alright I left out my Mothers abduction to the Abyss my father the Incubus and my seduction by Unseelie Fey which lead me to embrace my fiendish side. For while my Mother had left the Court well to be honest I am sure she was still spying for them she had wanted a better life for me and if I was going to embrace my fiendish side than she did not want it ever connected to her. What I related to Morgan was that for a while I actually the last five years I had embraced a darker path much like the one that I could sense was trying to seduce Nialla and my Mother had while she still had the power to influence me had bound you to me in order to instill a reason for me to not abandon the light and my fey entirely. I told him how I was sure that she had placed a binding on me to prevent me from trying to seduce him and be his friend for as I told him until I had met him and even now among the Hyborians with us well with the exception of Alth and Yussuf at least for now I had never had any friends. I shared with him the only person in my life I had ever truly trusted until I had gotten to know him was my Mother. I told him never before had I know someone who would spend time with me who did not want something of me or were not inclined to try and use me for their own ends. Which had of course led to me deciding that the world was filled with pawns or creatures that would be better off serving my needs than left to plot against me. So Morgan was not exactly happy to realize he had been used by my Mother to become a anchor that might prevent me from succumbing completely to my dark nature I told him that while I resented my Mother actions I would be ever grateful for his friendship and love. He seemed relieved but I had been able to sense something else troubled him. Sadly it seemed that Morgan’s and my life would not be what I hoped it would be for he believed in the conventional relationship of one man and one woman. Wow what a letdown I had tried to explain my philosophy from a religious standpoint but it was useless and to be honest with the way he kept acting could he really blame me for not even being willing to consider such an arrangement. So alright I am immoral as they come I blame it on my upbringing but I have never tried to hurt someone be it my pets or my friends but sadly if my affairs were going to hurt Morgan and he was unwilling to join in and enjoy the pleasure I was sure would be found then so be it. I mean really while I have never tried to claim that Morgan was a brain for in truth things like that are not all that matter to me but somehow to have wrapped his mind around the idea that I could ever be his alone then in truth Hyboria and the Realm within the Stone must be making him delusional for as far as I was concerned he was just going to have to learn to apply his iron will and deal. For Morgan squandered his chance sacred vow or no to have had me during my moment of weakness when my fiendish nature had threatened to overwhelm me I had turned to him seeking comfort and solace from someone who I loved and if he had not turned me down I would have even forsaken all others if had asked but that moment had passed. I was Markessa De’Mornae then and I am now once again Lady Elysia Brenna noble of the Unseelie Court and while that does not mean I will even reveal any of this to my friends and companions or try to hold myself above any of them part of me felt sad for Morgan.
Buerick had not been idle while we were figuring out to what to do with the Magicians he had been busy securing a safe house within Montrose for as I has expected the Fascists had locked down the region and he had felt it wise to seek shelter instead of trying to slip the net and I trusted his wisdom. Meanwhile I had consulted the Lamp while I discussed with the other that I felt we only needed the leader and had inquired as to if the Lamp was aware of anyone who might assist us with altering them memories of the Magicians. I knew the alternative might very well be that we would have to kill them but I truly wanted to exhaust every other possible option before I executed them. Thankfully the Lamp did not let me down for while it did inform us there would be a risk if we managed to contact a Doctor Mason he had the talents to make the alterations that we sought and we even had a location University Park. I made sure Buerick was aware of our need since he was doing such an excellent job of not only arriving at Mac Daddy’s abode but also securing a safe house where it would be secure for us to exit the Stone of Tongues. Buerick who truly never ceases to amaze created with the Realm a plant like version of himself which gave the others his side of the conversation and also gave me the ability to assist diplomatically but to be honest Buerick performed like a true professional. Of course there were others with the same flair I have come to expect such as Diamond Jim, Lefty as well as eight other heavy duty guard types who deployed themselves around our safe house. I seemed that Mac Daddy needed to gain the favor of Swami Donnie and while it seemed we would be losing the services of Fluky Luke and had been informed by Swami Donnie that he would deal with the situation we were given the word by Buerick that we were safe to return to Emerald. I of course had asked Buerick to locate a secondary area where we could deposit the Magicians and after we were all settled there was a sound on the roof and swinging down came our concierge flashy name and all Louie the Lip. He informed us that he was our liaison and whatever we needed it was his duty to provide and I in my guise as Beauty had informed him of our need to meet with Doctor Mason. He told us he would handle it and to make ourselves at home and true to his word about three minutes a concealed wall gave way and to thugs escorted in a small man in wearing a lab coat and a full hood over his head into the room and once his hood was removed he very calmly asked us how he could be of service. I had expected to need to coerce him a little but for the moment he seemed eager to please. Taking the lead I informed him of the delicate operation in mental surgery that I needed him to perform. Basically while he told me that the Ancient One who ran the gang would no doubt be able to discover the truth in time I informed him that was why we were going to concoct a cover story with enough reality to stick long enough for us to take care of business we needed to handle and be away from here before anyone got any bright ideas. I had decided that from now on I was going to have to go completely native since we had credentials it was time to start using them to our advantage. Of course Doctor Mason had asked about the Hyborian on ice and I had informed his that it was still on the lamb and not to worry about it and focus on the task at hand. So it was getting later into the day and soon we would once again need to be calling it a night after another exciting day on Emerald well at least for now we were not under attack and everyone for the most part not in the mood to rip out each other’s throats. I will admit my mind was taking some time to wander on the Ancient One leader of the Magicians and if he was truly undead or just a powerful ancient magi. I looked forward to learning what we could from the Magicians and I was of course by Aphrodite the days trials and tribulations had me horny as hell and while I looked forward to holding Nialla in my loving embrace I will admit I was dreaming of a little company after all the more the merrier I always say.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
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