Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chapter Twenty Nine : Locked In The Vault or Harmony Amidst Conflict

So I really should have know that even in a place called the Vault that somehow our karma would enable to us to pick the one place where we would end up facing overwhelmingly powerful Elephantine Entity who just so happed to have brought along the intelligent Ghosts of the Green Guardians, a few Elder Things, and throw in a few Robed Warriors all before dinner could be served. Well they don’t call met Beauty the Brain for nothing and while I might have hoped to diplomatically solve the internal strife within Dragonfirre for the moment it seemed the our conflict with the Elephantine Entity was going to for the moment at least serve as a temporary patch for our situation. While I could hope that it would hold I knew that a showdown was bound to happen and perhaps even needed to happen which was why I planned to arrange a Holmgang or let’s just call it an Asgardian Duel. Perhaps even several until I could manage to make sure everyone on Dragonfirre was on the same page and don’t get me wrong I am all about chaos but not necessarily useless death which was the way I had deduced we were heading if we were not careful. So while Dragonfirre and the Organization had to deal with the Elephantine Entity and his minions I was just a little distracted and focusing on as always our next move as you will see.

Alright so was I perhaps a little off my game well to be honest the answer would be yes. For one important thing I had neglected to mention about the ritual of my Becoming and while I had never figured that it would really work. The visit by my Mother the new Queen of the Summer Court of the Feywild and the new sensations within my body and the lack of shall I call it anger. Add to that the addition of my new senses which included Mindsight I had always wondered how my Mother in the past had always been able to stay one step ahead of her enemies. Well now I had the same gift which allowed me to detect not only the thoughts of any sentient being within one hundred feet but also their type which I assure can be quite disconcerting until you get used to it. This was of course why I not been extending my senses to their full range which was how we ended up in the situation we were in. I mean really you would think being able to detects the strength of beings intelligence as well as it type be it humanoid, shapechanger, undead, outsider you name it would be quite a boon especially if one is a Beguiler but sadly I was busy having a euphoric moment. Not the Euphoric moment I was having was the felling of my new body for ever since the visit from my Mother had felt different It had seemed that I had been gone from my friends for far longer than should have been possible more like decades compared to hours. In addition to that I no longer felt the presence of my Father’s Incubi legacy flowing through my veins which felt like a constant call to act on every dark impulse that crossed my mind. I had woken that morning after only sleeping if I could call it that, what four hours with memories of a life I had lived in the Feywild that I had never remembered before. At the time I had only one way to explain it I had become an actual Sidhelien an Elf of the Feywild and I in so doing purged all of my Fathers heritage from my body and soul forever. The years I had dreamed of were part of my life in the Fey Court either that or this reality where I had been transported to was having more profound effects on me then even I could comprehend. Well alright I really doubted that it could just as well be something my Mother had done to me long ago and only now were the barriers coming down. Either way I was different in many new ways none so profound as for anyone but perhaps Dirty Anna or Slick Rick to notice Anna due to her closeness to me and Rick because of a tie we shared to nature but of course they were distracted by the mission.

Speaking of the mission which at the time had led us to an establishment known as the Vault which was of course a large fortified structure. I had noticed that the attire here while medieval in mood and setting the same could not be said for the style of clothing. It seemed small hats and suits similar to those of Emerald were popular of course which was just another mystery that would need to be solved if at all. I was of course in front flanked by two of my favorite Organization Agents Gizmo Dent the smart gifted electrical and mechanical engineer who had crafted his own very potent rifle which of course he named the Gizmo as well as Mac Daddy intelligent, quick ready for action and a cold hard criminal just the way I like them. So I had dressed myself in a sexy black leather cat suit with matching gloves and boots and I wore my long black hair seductively down my back all in all quite the seductive outfit and I loved it. Before anyone could knock the door opened and I introduced myself to the doorman as Beauty and he introduced himself as Eggland. He had walked out of doorway that he sealed behind himself and opened another door to great us and ask us our business. Now it might be worth noting for the record all that were present with me Slick Rick, Dirty Anna, the Associate and of course Mickey the Torch who was keeping his distance no doubt due to the presence of the Associate. I was glad to feel the return of his mind from wherever he had returned from which only left Clean Eugene and all of Dragonfirre would have been present. Well that was of course until I no longer noticed the presence of Lucky Ron who it seemed had been claimed by whatever force seemed to be at times take away members of Dragonfirre. Thankfully so far they always seemed to return unharmed and often better off emotionally then when the left. I might have thought it was something sexual if it were not for the fact the Clean Eugene was often one of the missing members. Of course Swami Donnie and the rest of his crew that had survived were with us as well Smiling Ed, Starving Marvin, Diamond Jim, Hawkeye Allen, Ace and of course Gizmo Dent and Mac Daddy. This meant we looked like quite the force with thirteen members and as I looked over the figure who was dressed in black and possessed the one of the worst ashen complexions I had ever seen who of course wore an odd stove pipe hat which must have been the local fashion I deduced. He informed us there would be not entertainment tonight and that he had separate rooms for all of us but if we wanted to be together all of his suites were already booked but we were free to avail ourselves of the Mud Room after dinner. I of course maintained my cover story that my friends were trader friends of mine and that I was visiting an area I had not seen since I was a child. I realized of course to my comrades it might have sounded quite outrageous but then again there are not many better then I at what I do. So while he had also offered us the back stage I was comfortable with the Mud Room since from there we could set watches and everyone who could come down on us from a room above Eggland said he could trust. I kindly reassured him that we would not be held responsible for if we had any altercations with anyone of his guest if they started it and he understood. He told me the price for admission for the night which included a meal was five gold sovereigns each I was not sure on the trade value and since I did not want to have anyone else distract my cover story I paid him sixty five gold which I liberated from Mickey the Torch’s pouch and found that I was informed I misjudged the price as he returned five sovereigns. I had felt a little better when Eggland had asked to be paid before we entered and I inquired about the state of security and if he still allowed gambling and I was informed that those days had past thankfully and he had moved on to live entertainment. I of course had told him I had missed those day but was glad to see they were gone for good he of course also reminded us as I already knew once we were locked in we were in for the night and I informed him find by me. He had told me times were hard and while he had rented his last suite to a group he was not sure he could trust he was glad to have us since he hoped it would help him relax. Well alright I really doubted the place could contain Dirty Anna, Slick Rick or that any place could contain me of course but at least I figured any conflict we might encounter would have to come from within as opposed to without. So into the eighty foot round earth and metal structure we went.

As we entered we walked through a wide entry way into a vast inner room that we were informed was the Mud Room and where dinner was being served. I had taken a moment to telepathically ask Swami Donnie if he felt or sensed anything out of the ordinary and he informed while nothing definite he was wary. This of course confirmed what I had deduced so I of course let the others know we would be setting watches tonight. We continued on I could make out around twelve other within sight and of course there were an assortment of servers. There were four other pits but only the one we had occupied and another were being used. Eggland had said that fresh food had arrived which was why it was still so crowded which made me wonder why such a delay in supplied but I figured I would deal with that issue later. The dinner consisted of a large buffet which seemed to consist of a vast assortments of meats, foul, fish, vegetables, fruits and deserts. I had confirmed with Slick Rick as we were escorted to a fire pit and pillows laid out for us on which to sit that the food was a grown and not all processed. As we sat I saw other at other pits and some were cooking foods in kettles at their large pits and that an assortment of drinks were being brought around but it seemed that most seemed to drinking form gourds which seemed to hold wine. We were brought a vast assortment of utensils with which to eat and large wooden bowls with which to gather our food. Eggland even informed us before he withdrew into the kitchen as the servers took over about the drinks they offered. He had informed me that house wine was by far the most popular and was mostly watered down wine brewed in the establishment and they also offered local varieties of coffee and tea as well as iced drinks and a bitter rice wine which he did not recommend. I asked him about gambling or other concerns and he told me no gambling was going to his knowledge but other might be around with merchandise to sell and I could tell he was implying to drugs. I realized since we were once again at a buffet it would be a good time to gather additional food supplies. With Slick Rick assuring me the food was safe and since I was hungry well hungry for others things as well and I knew after the discussion I had planned to have with Dragonfirre was resolved than perhaps Dirty Anna or Mickey the Torch might be in a mood to have a little fun since Clean Eugene was still missing. As our drinks had arrived and everyone settled into dining which I was thankful had not erupted into violence but of course I had a feeling to just give it time we noticed a man in green robes with blond hair and blue eyes who looked Asgardian approach our table after completing a discussion with another table. I had notice him because he seemed to be coming toward our table and looked to be getting ready to address us so I of course addressed him first. “Greetings stranger to which do we owe the pleasure selling, buying or seeking information or company?” He had responded that he was looking for information and I informed him to go right ahead and ask about whatever was on his mind. He let us know that he was looking for information which could lead him to the location of a load of down. I seemed this load of down was special indeed for it seemed to have be liberated from the party carrying it to the city. He continued to let us know that he was part of a task force who had been hired to locate the down and this was his sector so he was asking around. I of course used the opportunity to fill in more of our back story by including that we had just arrived by swift oxen to the suburb and all we had heard of was another group that had seemed to have had trouble with a patrol. He seemed too had taken that news very badly so I figured I would try to cheer him up. I asked him “Why so down friend.” He had responded “I really hate this place.” I had then responded “So where else would you rather be?” He then replied “A place called Hyboria.” I of course covered any response with a look of curiosity instead of surprise since I often unless I am acting out a cover story prefer to maintain my emotionless poker face. I then asked him “I have traveled far and wide but I have never heard of this place you call Hyboria why not take a seat and regale us with a tale of this foreign land”. He seemed more than willing to spare a few moments since of course I had already charmed him with my smile and grace. Of course as he moved closer to sit down on a pillow that had just been provided he stared at Dirty Anna well of course who wouldn’t stare but then he said something a little more personal. He said as looked at her “You remind me of a someone I knew from Iranastan.” At which point I realized it was time to change the conversation since it not her appearance that had given her away but her table manners. I of course had tried a magical recovery that had failed as my concealed detect thoughts spell failed but as he asked us where we were from and I said the south I was able to maneuver the conversation back onto his past and how he knew of Hyboria. He related a tale to us of how he had answered a summons in his homeland to travel to the Isle of Noob to go on a great quest. It was of course ironic that he told us that while he was not the best and perhaps only the most expendable he had decided to join the quest. He related to us how his last memories of Hyboria were aboard a great long ship sailing toward the Isle and the next thing he remembered was waking up in this strange land. With only a little extra prodding he added that he had awoken being over a fire and was being cooked and until he had started to talk at which point he was released. He added that in this realm the question of whether or not you were good enough to eat was based on if you could talk. He continued to inform us that since that time he had managed to learn a little of this land and while he was formerly a priest of a forgotten pantheon it did not seem to help him in here. He let us know that he had met many other natives of Hyboria here and many of them were employed by various agents of this land. I continued to probe and found out that many of these very same Hyborians were deployed in various sectors of the city which lead me to inquiring about his name since I informed him if we saw or heard anything about the sacred down we would contact him. He informed me that is name was Professor Rodoor and was pleased that we were offering to assist him. I even continued to inquire into information he had acquired about this sector to which he had been assigned and he let me know that the strangest thing he had noticed so far were the alien beings in the suite that had just been recently rented. It seemed he was locked in with the rest of the guests as Eggland had informed us as well but so it seemed his search was done for the night. I had told him I wished him well and that we would check back with him in the morning since it might be fun to help him which of course I could tell warmed his heart. I will admit he had revealed information that should have put me on alert but I also figured with everyone in one place and fully rested how much trouble could we really be in for. My mind was sadly wandering to the Hoard which of course was going to be the name for the organization which I planned on recruiting to support my desires as well as the needs of Dragonfirre. So of course the thought of including a few well placed Hyborians into my own organization was one that had me thinking. Since so called bastions of law Clean Eugene and Lucky Ron were still missing my mind was busy focusing on where I planned to construct our hidden base and the style of their uniforms as well as how I planned on portraying Beauty the Brain as a fair and generous Leader with mysterious powers and a touch of megalomania which always went over well with minions. I mean who would not love a leader with an obsession with wealth, power, and perhaps even delusions of omnipotence.

I was brought out of my revelry by Dirty Anna who had informed me that she had a strange feeling about a figure that was at the moment filling a bowl with food from the buffet. It seemed he had just exited from the very same private suite that Eggland had told me he was concerned about. She told me she was planning to invoke her ability to see the unseen and I asked her to wait a moment. I mean really does my beloved ever think about appearances or does just really suffer from bloodlust. I took a moment and silently and still cast a silent image which would suffice to conceal the glow of her eyes and let her know to go ahead. I had a feeling that our nice calm evening was about to come to an end but I planned to hold onto it as long as possible. For I just knew the ability to sit around a fire and enjoy friends and conversation was not something this dimension was going to allow. Of course Dirty Anna revealed the figure looked like it might be a ghost and had a transparent ghostly aura to it which I confirmed in a moment as the mind I reached out to registered as undead. Which was just what Dirty Anna said a moment later just as two other similar figures exited the room and headed for the buffet. I know it was bold of me to stay so calm but in reality if felt if we were going to get into it I really doubted the figures eating from buffet were going to be our biggest concern the. While that did not stop me from drawing Widow Maker since after all a girl always has to be prepared. So of course two figures who once I had taken the chance to really look at them resembled the Green Guardians we had slain a day before and they even seemed to carry the same wounds. My beloved Dirty Anna had even claimed to be able to see tendrils emanating from within the room. One of Green Guardian Ghosts had stopped and it seemed his friend had tried to get him to rejoin him but he was not having it for he put down his food and started to walk toward us. So much for subtlety he walked right toward our fire pit and glowed and I could sense his mind moving in the direction of Starving Marvin as he vanished and possessed him and pulled out one of his grenades and pulled the pin. So while I had tried to maintain the sense of harmony by sheer will alone it had failed and we were once again in another fight.

It’s good thing the Green Guardian Ghost who was possessing Starving Marvin had pulled out a thermite grenade for while the damage would be greater the area of effect was smaller and as he laughed it exploded. The Associate had tried to prevent the explosion not that I felt he was in any danger and while he and Hawkeye Allen seemed to have dived free of the explosion the body of Starving Marvin was burned and still laughing. It was then that I made a quick deduction which proved to be correct as I telepathically told Swami Donnie to link with his crew and start with the Ghost Green Guardian still at the buffet and we would deal with Starving Marvin. I had figured correctly the if the Ghosts were picking up and eating food than they were perhaps a kind of ghost that could be harmed by physical means. Swami Donnie and his boys draw down and begin firing quick GGG at the buffet while I had Gizmo Dent and Mac Daddy cover me while I cast a hold spell on Starving Marvin for I figure if the GGG decided to exit the body fine but for now the body and mind of Starving Marvin was held and therefore so was the Green Guardian Ghost. Just as my ever more exotic jumped up and moved into the fire pit and as the flames licked up her seductive body she began to sing a hope inspiring song of misery and woe that entranced the Ghost within Starving Marvin. Suddenly four more Green Guardian Ghosts phased thru the wall and a figure wearing robes runs out of the room as well. I took a moment to assess our situation and informed Eggland telepathically to stay in back since we had come under assault from the very guests he had said he was worried about. The Associate suddenly leapt over twenty feet vanishing in midair and I felt his presence in my mind as he landed near the GGG and struck him with his Nunchaku and actually ghost striking a ghost which really cracked me up. For the life of me I could not figure why he always leapt into combat he was not even fully healed from his bout with Clean Eugene and Mickey the Torch. I also called telepathically to Mickey the Torch to hurry up with whatever he was in the back doing and I could tell it was not another woman for he was alone and had responded that he would be out in a moment. Slick Rick I could see was casting arc of lightning which he used to light up the four Green Guardian Ghosts. I realized it was time to speed things up so before everyone had a chance to split up and I could see that Mickey the Torch had indeed returned I cast haste and once my speed was increased I fired Widow Maker at the GGG that was still hanging on by the buffet and put him down and his screams were beautiful sound since it meant they could die. Dirty Anna had stopped singing and tumbles past Hawkeye Allen I and I had to admit if she just tumbles to keep me excited and with a combination of Eldritch Fire and help from Death Dealer which pretty much reduced the robed figure to a pile of plasma. Which was right about the time a Elder Thing decided to make an appearance from the suite. So I knew things were going to keep getting interesting right about then. Since of course the Elder Things were the very same race that had created the Shoggoths which were pretty much believed to be the creators of mythos magic, slaves and drug addicts. It did not matter to me what they looked like being little more the trunks with tentacles, wings and legs but it was their knowledge I was after if I could manage to save one. There was of course a lot of activity going on including another robed figure running out seeming to be screaming about his companion named Smedly who of course was not nothing more than a pile of ooze on the ground at his feet. Now finally what I had been expecting came out of the suite a giant Elephantine Entity along with two more robed figures and another Elder Thing. Just for the record the Elephantine Entity was a wonder to behold and I don’t for once mean in a sexual or provocative way I was over twelve feet tall and the sheer power it exuded was nearly intoxicating as I viewed it with my Mindsight and I found a mind greater than my own and while the other were not aware for the first time in my life I almost lost my calm. It stood before us like some dark god ready to smite us for our insolence and I prayed for the love of Aphrodite to please protect us and give us the cunning of Ares to find a way to slay this foul beast. I also projected to all of my comrades that new large figure we were dealing with was perhaps the most powerful thing in the room and to concentrate our power on it if we were to prevail. I saw one of the Elder Things casting as I also noticed the mind of Clean Eugene begin to return to us and it seemed my prayers had been answered. For with his arrival on the raised stage behind us I could suddenly feel and see the power of the Gods of Hyboria and my calm returned. The Elder Thing cast a spell and I saw a Star Vampire forming right above me and I acrobatically danced away from it as it attacked and fell the ground stunned. Mickey the Torch came charging to my aid and I thanked him as I finally betrayed my true acrobatic skill as I tumbled up and over the Star Vampire and landed on the stage and moved to Clean Eugene’s side. I had considered other methods to escape the creature but I figured I might need to pull all of the stops against the Elephantine Entity in the moments to come. Slick Rick had lit up the Ghosts who had opened fire on the Organization with yet another arc of lightning while Dirty Anna still tumbling draws her sights on the Elephantine Entity and unleashes everything she had against it just stands there and takes it without even seeming to be phased in the least. I could tell that Dirty Anna was suddenly suffering the from the same effects that I had just manage to shake off and I telepathically projected a calm to everyone that we would find a way to defeat this fiend we always do. I am sure everyone believed me and I had to have faith myself. It was not as hard as I might have thought as Clean Eugene called upon the power of Hercules within him and banished the remaining Ghosts and not to be undone since Smiling Ed had finally cast the haste spell fired a blessed bolt at the Elephantine Entity that stuck in its hide. Smiling Ed I had noticed had before cast a glitterdust spell upon the ghosts attempting to blind them and had actually had some success but I still would have preferred the haste. I put a reminder in the back of my mind to bring that to his attention after this conflict had been resolved. Which was when I noticed that I was catching on fire and by the Gods do I hate fire and by lake of liquid iron of the Abyss was it hot. Of course the pain was a distraction but not on which I could not endure and I needed to maintain my composure for my comrades for I needed them to continue to believe nothing could defy Dragonfirre. I will admit I was not worried about the minions who were easily being mopped up. I was more concerned about the actions of Slick Rick, Dirty Anna as well as Clean Eugene and how I might support them. I telepathically directed the others to direct their fire at the Elder Things since their casting was starting to become a problem since they were singling Dirty Anna and I for their magic. As a matter of fact they managed to set Dirty Anna aflame and I hear her moan as the flames licked up around her as they had me. She had of course spun and helped destroy one of the Elder Things who seemed to have a strong resistance to physical injury. Clean Eugene had been busy shooting the Elephantine Entity which had started a slow march toward him and casting a prayer spell to aid us all in the conflict. Slick Rick on the other hand had already shape shifted into huge black panther and had began casting spell to aid himself in preparation for engaging the unholy entity as I advised him to make sure he aligned his natural weapons and enhanced his gifts with his drudical gifts. We were of the same mind thankfully and as he continued to prepare himself for the upcoming confrontation my mind drifted to Lucky Ron and I wondered if even he with all of his gifts could lay a hand on the vile entity that we faced. I had also been keeping an eye on the Associate for while for a moment I that thought I would have the chance to heal him the sudden rush of activity had kept us separated. I had taken the opportunity to use my wand of curing to heal myself since the burns were not kind to my skin and as I healed I was able to focus much better. We were setting up for a real fight and I could feel it and amidst the conflict there was a certain harmony the I had a feeling would lead to victory.

We were going up against a vile Elephantine Entity that I am sure would stay in my memory as something I would not like to see having it’s way with my beautiful body. Yeah I know I have been in many perverse and perhaps even sadistic sexual situation and while there is an old saying that you cannot rape the willing let’s put it this way I would not be willing. Putting down this creature I was sure was going to perhaps give us a run for our money but I had faith in our skills and abilities we just needed to work together. On the other had we had already found out a number of key facts regarding the location of other Hyborians and if Lucky Ron returns perhaps his luck will lead us once we defeat the Elephantine Entity to the key to control the Orb of Sight so can get back to our real mission instead of sightseeing in the Realm within it. I will admit I had a bad feeling that my Mindsight was trying to tell me something about the Elephantine Entity but my mind was not ready to accept it. Perhaps it was yet another demi-god which seemed to be so plentiful these days and if so then by Ares and Aphrodite we would just need to find a way to put it down for we were Dragonfirre none will stand in our way on our path to destroy the so called Dreaming God.

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