We had arrived in a great medieval city perhaps over fifty miles across and were heading for believe it or not and Inn called the Vault within the Realm within the Orb of Sight. Looking back I had to admit the entire Realm was indeed a sight and not only that but while I had had my own out of body experience it seemed the chaos of the Realm was having a detrimental effect on my companions of Dragonfirre. Strangely the Realm seemed to be not affecting Swami Donnie of any of his Organization who had accompanied us on this journey. I was had started the day filled with anger and anguish but by before nights end and by the next morning I was overcome with the heartfelt emotion of joy, peace and love. Now of course while I continued to bask in the aftereffects of my vision many of my companions within Dragonfirre were being driven to it seemed the very same anger and anguish that I had been suddenly released from. In the end everyone lived and I was able to oversee the chaos and insanity that seemed ready try and overtake my friends but I had a feeling the shaping of events were being manipulated by the Dreaming God. I will admit for awhile the passions within Dragonfirre even stirred my emotions which agitated my newly gained Mindsight which had been a gift bestowed upon me but I get ahead of myself.
So I was dreaming and let me assure you when Beauty the Brain dreams they are not the dreams of the faint hearted or the mundane I can assure you. I had been dreaming a lot of my past life in the Unseelie Court and I assure it was a dream from which I really cared not to wake but that was not the most interesting part about the dream. In the dream the Unseelie Court had indeed changed and in addition Queen Andais was either presumed missing or dead. The entire Faerie Realm was now considered the Feywild and the entire culture had suffered a cataclysmic event that had almost shattered the entire Realm but it had recovered yet was now a strangely different realm than the one I fondly remembered.
In my dream I had visions of a great conflict that had erupted between the Seelie and Unseelie Courts that led to open warfare where the Queens themselves took to the field of battle. It felt in reality more like an all out Court War and the resulting aftermath the codes of the Courts were shattered along with their Queens Thrones. In my vision I also saw my Mother whose name had changed and somehow she was Queen of the Summer Court who oversaw the Summer Fey and somehow I had the feeling everything had worked out exactly as she had foreseen it. Even Oren my old friend and lover had been transformed and become the Green Lord of the Fey of Nature. There was still a Winter Court that seemed to be ruled by a mysterious figure that seemed like a brother to me who I could only make out as perhaps the Prince of Frost. I had vague visions of a vast Aquatic Court as well as a Gleaming Court that seemed on the edges of my vision when I had suddenly felt myself wrenched and pulled thru a portal to stand before my Mother who sat with all the beauty of a goddess as small demi-fey floated around her. Her palace was a wonder to senses to behold and was of such beauty that it literally brought tears to my eyes. I had appeared within a fountain surrounded my flowers of every variety and all in bloom and as I stepped out of the fountain I found that I had been stripped of my cloths and I had never felt more pure and unadulterated love from anyone before as I did from my Mother in the moment. She addressed me by my Fey name “Ali’Ama Er’Odar my most cherished daughter I am so happy to see you and I am so happy that if even for a short while you have found your way home. “ I looked to her expected something to ruin the moment but it didn’t happen and I could only stand there stunned as a few faeries flew to me carrying a shawl and began to drape it over my body. My Mother continued “I know by the love of Aphrodite that the path which I laid out for you will continue to be difficult and you should know that what you have faced up to now is nothing compared for what you will soon face.” As I walked toward her and kneeled at her feet I began to comprehend what she was trying to say but I was finding it hard to believe everything that I had seen in my visions and reconcile it with what my Mother seemed to trying to tell me. Was she somehow saying that everything that had happened perhaps even the events regarding the Dreaming God or as I had learned Cthulhu and perhaps even the events that had transpired in the Feywild somehow all be connected. Or worse yet that she might have had something to do with it and being immortal used it to her advantage to abolish the old Seelie and Unseelie Courts and start anew. As I looked up upon my Mother I could see behind her beautiful angelic smile the brilliant mind working within as she said to me. “ Ali’Ama Er’Odar you always were my brightest daughter and yes everything is still proceeding according to my plan”. She then changed her tact “ My daughter do not let yourself be bound by the old and anarchic ways of the past embrace your future and forgive your Associate or be prepared to mourn the loss of him.” As I looked up to her I asked for her help. “ Mother I am trying my hardest to bring love and harmony to all that surrounds me but the world to which you have sent me is so unforgiving and I feel that even one mistake may be my last.”. I continued “How am I to avoid becoming what I mean to destroy?”. Her answer even thought I knew what hoped it would be was still profound and filled my heart with love and joy as she replied. “My darling Ali’Ama Er’Odar trust you heart and let love and your Mindsight be your guide and the darkness will never claim you.” In a flash I awoke in the arms of Dirty Anna and I realized the indeed by Aphrodite love could conquer all. And I wept.
I had been awoken by one of my shadow servants which could only have meant that someone had opened the door. As I looked around I could see the others being woken up as well and the Associate moving toward Lucky Ron as Widow Maker was placed into my hand by yet another shadow servant. It seemed that the Associate had just walked into the home within which we had been sleeping. We had already made ourselves at home within the Ogre’s abode and had been sleeping for around four hours when my shadow servants had started to rouse me and Dragonfirre. Lucky Ron and Clean Eugene who was busy disengaging himself from the body of devilishly beautiful Dirty Anna our shared beloved rose and the Associate to investigate the Elf who was outside. How I knew that I was even at that moment becoming aware for I seemed to be able is aware of all of the minds around me within my telepathic range. My Mother has told me to trust my Mindsight and I wondered if this was what she had meant. At the memory of her words I was almost overcome with joy and sorrow as Dirty Anna rose still naked from our lovemaking had looked at me with concern. I was not jealous of her and Clean Eugene and I was thankful for their union for while I often feared for Dirty Anna’s soul and believed that Clean Eugene’s bold heart and strong love muscle would do much to remind her of all the things the light had to offer. I will admit that Dirty Anna was indeed becoming a gifted lover and I could tell from the lusty looks that Clean Eugene gave her that he was indeed becoming enamored. I was not jealous since I realized that while Dirty Anna might have often wondered how she had so quickly become such a sexual creature I knew she was enjoying it. Sadly as I was not yet sure if the situation outside was being resolved or would need our attention so I had concealed my true feelings and presented the firm and determined look of a woman ready for anything. Even as I looked to Dirty Anna and my heart broke to deceive her as my shadow servants withdrew my feycraft mithral bikini from my Backpack of Containment and laid it over me as I rose with the fluidity worthy of an acrobat of my skill. I realized that Dirty Anna had seen me rise so quickly and suddenly was indeed awed. I focused for a moment on the surroundings and when I was sure that no one else was within the range of my senses I allowed myself to relax. After all I was still tired and thankful that the excess of magical energies latent in the continuum allowed Slick Rick to recharge my Wand of Curing. We had discussed the ability and he let me know to make him aware if my Wand was ever low on charges before we ever slept for the night and I felt we were relatively safe. As I mentally commanded my shadow servants to once again resume their posts I laid back down and paid attention to what was transpiring outside. It seemed the Elven Ranger who had been traveling nearby had actually not gotten into a fight with the Associate and actually the to the contrary gotten along quite well with Lucky Ron and Clean Eugene as well. As a matter of fact they seemed to have acquired a few berries which seemed to be either natural or magically enhanced goodberries perhaps similar to the spell of the same name. I noticed Lucky Ron give one of them to Slick Rick who let us know that they were safe. I was not at time aware if there were extra berries but later Slick Rick told me that he had seen Lucky Ron give several too the Associate. As I was still tired and wanted to be up early I cuddled next to Dirty Anna after my shadow servants had removed my fey mithral bikini. My beloved had other things in mind as I had seen her wings sprout from her back and they looked well natural instead of supernatural like the wings of my Father. She had already touched the small of my back and had already elicited a response but I had concealed it. I had told her if she wanted as my mind was still elsewhere but in reality I knew my mind would be done processing and then I would not even be attempting to resist her. My bikini was barely off before she had kissed my eyelids and folded her wings around us as I caressed them. In the past I might have cared about how the others saw me as I am sure we had an audience but I was finished with concealing myself from others and after all I am Fey so I figured let them witness what they were missing. Our passion nearly overwhelmed us both but it’s a good thing I still have a few tricks that I had not yet show Dirty Anna but I was amazed by her increasing skill. For the moment sexually sated I replaced the tattoos of power and the concealment spell upon her amulet lest or lover Clean Eugene wake from his meditation and sense something out of place. I then rose and checked on him still in meditation after recharging his own wand. I realized the mystery of where he went was one I still needed to solve as I continued my walk over to Mickey the Torch. Thank Aphrodite Dirty Anna had feed my hunger otherwise the sight of Mickey the Torch’s muscular back firm calves might had overwhelmed me but as was our ritual I mounted his back and placed a tattoo of power on his back as well before I returned to my beloved. In a few more moments I had placed similar tattoos on my own body and I was ready to rest. I held Dirty Anna close and I felt comforted and secure for while I am willing to share my beloved Dirty Anna with friends I would let none forget she’s mine.
It was actually the afternoon when I awoke since in reality we had exhausted ourselves in the conflict with Dagon before our arrival and it was on a little past midday when the Associate once again opened the door. She had with her the fiancĂ© of Ralph the Ogre a quite comely human woman named Olga who seemed not surprised to see us. Perhaps I should just make it clear that the Associate was still in a feminine human form that looked and I was sure from experience in every detail was all woman. At while I will admit not the most attractive to look at her physical features were quite sufficient to draw my attention. I know am I really that aroused and horny all the time well alright I was just aroused for the record but still those perfect breasts were distracting. So it took me a little while to catch up to the conversation that seemed to be already going on as I had decided with today being my birthday after all to not conceal my feelings anymore and since I had already embraced the way of the new Feywild and put the codes of the Seelie and Unseelie behind it was indeed a new day. Basically it seemed Olga was filling us in on a little background of the area and the nature of the Duke. She let us know that she had travelling bags for each of us so that while we were in the town of Westport which seemed to be the city of Duke Miller we would not stand out. She of course told us something I already knew that our cloths would stand out and we would need to change which was of course not a problem for a mistress of disguise like me and a quick casting of a shadow version of clothier’s closet. So in short order while she went away to acquire our bags from her nearby home I measured everyone and in short order had permanent cloths for everyone. I was busy with helping our Organization friends into their cloths and even once again ripping the completely boring Iranastan clothing right of the luscious body of my beloved Dirty Anna. I even walked to the door with cloths for the Associate with a set of cloths I had prepared for her since I really did not need to measure people I just liked doing it since the calculations were quite simple for me to perform by sight. The Associate told me that she had clothes that would fit her within her backpack and slipped out of the Green Guardian attire and adorned her in a travelling outfit quite similar to what I had picked out for her. Sadly I did not get to see more of her body but seeing her strip down to the unisex black night suit I had created for her was still quite sexy. About the same time Dirty Anna walked up behind me and after a discussion about needing a goodberry the Associate after looking at her like she had asked him for his soul handed her a goodberry and she instantly returned to full sized. I had sensed and felt the disruption of the magic as she grew and I was happy for her even though I would miss the cute petite version of my beloved. As I turned around Olga it seemed had moved on and had been discussing someone who seemed to be a guide of sorts named Mister Nance. She had also mentioned some interesting things about visitors with weapons similar to those wielded by the Organization and even a so called Worldfall where one could fall off the edge of the world to a new one. Now that of course peaked my interest and I confirmed with her and Ralph that the Worldfall was more of a legend she was not aware of anyone knowledge that went back more than ten generations. At which point I began to form a theory which did not bode well for our visit with the Duke. I had a feeling the beings with the guns were more Dagon worshippers and that in reality Dagon was just another name for the Duke. I realized I would need more evidence to confirm my suspicion but it was starting to make sense. I mean what better place to hide your own personal Demi-God than perhaps its own personal demi-plane. I did not share my deductions with the anyone since I doubted if their intellects were quite ready for the revelation better to let them draw their own conclusions unless they tried to just directly confront the Duke before I had either proved or disproved my hypothesis. So it was decided that since it was still midday and the trip to Westport would be about a two day journey on foot well of course I had other plans for that still I figured the others were hungry and I needed to wash up since I figured while things were calm at that moment we were heading right back into the storm. So alright perhaps a little selfish but I was not really in the mood to have to make war on my birthday or in truth my day of Becoming. Changes were once again upon me as I had been blessed by the Feywild and I was able to feel them manifesting inside of me and I needed some time to adjust. So while we decided to relax the rest of the day and leave the next morning Olga left with Ralph saying they had animals to attend to and other farm duties but that they would be across the way. So while I enjoyed the brief respite I had confirmed what I had believed these people were all speaking Hyborian Common and that Swami Donnie and rest of the Organization Agents who were with us were unable to understand anything we were saying and Swami Donnie was just doing a great job of telepathically keeping them calm. So I informed him since it was well within my mental capacity I mean I am a genius after all to translate what was said if maintained a link with me which he was more than glad to do. With that settled I summoned new shadow servants to attend me and began to make preparations for not only the moment but the rest of the night.
It was a bold day with the rest of Dragonfirre taking the time to relax in a realm that seemed more like our home if not for the strange lack of Fey and natural animals that is. I had kept to myself for most of the day as I continued to process the elimination of both Seelie and Unseelie Courts with my Mother on one throne, a former lover on another and a brother I never met overseeing another. Even with all that had been happening of which I am sure the others must have thought I was losing my grip on reality since sadly their own lives had been quite mundane by comparison. I did not fault any of them and in truth while I had concerns about their sanity as well I was biding my time to address the situation. I had figured better to have my own affairs in order before I revealed what my perceptions regarding the others might be. Thankfully there was still one member of Dragonfirre for which I did not worry my Fey elder and drudical advisor who I called Slick Rick. With the exception of often seeming frustrated with the others he otherwise managed to maintain a serenity and calm that was a foundation that I was ever thankful for. I wanted the night to be special for everyone and so I would entertain them all with a show from my past in the Unseelie Court a bold move I knew but I needed them to see the world that I had once held such a strong influence over me. For while I knew many of them would be shocked and amazed I hoped they would understand me a little better afterward. So while I had began by changing my appearance to match a acrobatic entertainer I had led them in to the show they were going to behold I had began with an acrobatic performance my performance was extraordinary and timed to match my silent and still casting of a major image spell. With the magic I continued to spin the tale of my Ascension Day with my illusion I was able to recreate the sights, sounds, smells and even the chill that one often felt in the Winter Court. I even used the powerful illusion to cloak my shadow servants as attendant fey and I gave the food that they prepared the taste of the finest I had ever sampled within either Court. I let them perceive a glimpse of what kind of life I used to lead as Lady Ali’Ama Er’Odar or Shadow Beauty of the Winter World. They had witnessed a glimpse into my life but I was not sure if they had understood the meaning and how far I had come from those dark days. I left it to them to realize that today was my birthday since I no longer felt the need to chose a path for I was now thanks to my Mother free of such restrictions and instead spent the rest of the night in the arms of my beloved Dirty Anna my lover Clean Eugene and of course a few shadow lovers of my own magical creation and for the first time I did not feel self conscious about showing my feelings. All in all quite a wonderful birthday and I was able to take pleasure that on my Day of Becoming I had become exactly who my Mother had wanted me to be and for once I was happy with it for I realized the while I had been guided I had made all of the choices on my own.
It was interesting and I felt it boded for trouble to come because the Associate had not attended my show the night previous. It really did not bother me since while I may had on my Mothers advice been in the mood to forgive him I still was not going to easily forget the he continued to reject me and seemed unwilling to listen to me. At the time I was coming to the conclusion that if he did not come around soon than I might have to take matters into my own hands. I will admit there were a number of issues that had been coming to my mind lately the least of which had to do with my own issues but which I felt dealt with Dragonfirre and felt the time was coming to bring those concerns to all of them. Everyone was getting ready for the two day long walk and since I now had a purpose I had already begrudgingly pulled myself away for Dirty Anna and Clean Eugene. I really had to admire the stamina of the Clean Eugene for while I had been getting ready and making arrangements he had withdrew with Dirty Anna for some one on one time. I had wished Dirty Anna the best and let her know I would retrieve her from the lustful embrace of Clean Eugene once I had our affairs in order. Speaking of those affairs my plans were to conjure a shadow grand procession and then conceal the steeds with an illusionary seeming spell so that they would resemble fast oxen of this realm. Well first I had to travel across the way I needed to speak with Olga and once I arrived I needed to acquire an accurate description of a fast oxen. Olga was a little alarmed but with my diplomatic and silver tongue I was able to convince her the illusion I had crafted of the fast oxen as she spoke was something that was actually commonplace and nothing to be scared of. Within moments due to my skills as an artist I was able to fashion an image that both Olga and Ralph were comfortable with and which I could use as a base for the illusion I would create over the eleven steeds that I would summon. With those steeds we would make the journey within a day and each of us would need to double up with a member of the Organization who had no skill in riding. This was of course totally fine by me since that meant I would get to ride with Gizmo Dent. Clean Eugene who it seemed had been turned on by Dirty Anna’s new outfit which clung to her like a erotic glove as a matter of fact I had even left room for her wings in the back I could tell had just released his blessing into the womb of my beloved. It made me remember something for while I knew my Fey heritage helped me control when and if I ever became impregnated I was not sure if Dirty Anna has such protection and I realized I might need to make her a diaphragm since she might not be wanting children just yet. Meanwhile Clean Eugene was causing a bit of disruption since he wanted to ride with Dirty Anna of course so he could no doubt continue to give her his own ride. Well after a few well placed words and no need to guess who said what Dirty Anna was riding with Smiling Ed and I assure you he was indeed living up to his name the whole ride. With all of that settled we set of for our day long journey to the home of Mister Nance.
I had been looking forward to the ride I figured it would be a good distraction and while I had decided to not conceal my feelings I also logically realized we had a mission to perform. Now while I did not subscribe to the concept of duty before pleasure I did realize that while in the throes of passion you are at you most vulnerable which was why I actually preferred pleasure before duty and rarely if you were lucky at the same time. We rode for four hours and I could see the others were getting along well while I spent my time picking the mind of Gizmo Dent. I know I have said in the past I am a genius and while it’s true very little he had to tell me was anything I could not have figured out myself I was also gaining insight into the methods of the Mad Scientists. My intellectual investigations were of course brought to a abrupt halt when at the 4th hour of our journey we spotted a patrol on the road which seemed to consist of twelve figures. Now I was of course not worried for they looked like only men but as I got a closer look they resembled undead. So alright I will be honest if there is anything I hate more than lowly Gnomes it’s the Undead and while I composed myself Clean Eugene true to his name rode ahead. I assumed it was time to clean up the road of the vile undead and as he had raised his holy symbol and declared “ Vile and Evil Undead Be gone in name of Hercules “. Eleven of the soldiers turned and fled terrified of the holy power being displayed by Clean Eugene as I took a breath that I had not realized it had been holding. Which left only one more member of the patrol on the road which I figured was either a Necromancer or Evil Priest or both take you pick not that it really mattered. The remaining figure an old ugly man seemed to be trying to say something perhaps preparation for a spell or curse but he did not have the time finish. For as he rode up Clean Eugene continued his cleansing of the evil that lay before us and with three mighty strokes from his Heavy Club the evil thing was down. I had thought it was over when suddenly I heard “No!” the next second leaping more than thirty feet from this steed to land near the fallen evil thing came the fluid feminine form of the Associate. She reached for something in her pouch and even seemed to be trying to stabilize the embodiment of evil that lay before. I had drawn Widow Maker for I was not planning on letting that evil undead controlling thing rise and if the Associate wanted to stay in the way than so be it. As I began to wonder whose side she was on anyway my proud protector Mickey the Torch drew his Electro Rail Gun and fired a shot that literally blew the head off the evil creature before it could rise. I heard my beloved Dirty Anna call out behind me “ Oh my…fuck what the Hell!” and I could tell her new profession was having a profound effect on her vocabulary. Meanwhile Lucky Ron seemed to be holding his position while the Associate quickly drew a poison dipped shuriken and threw it at the Mickey the Torch. I could see Mickey the Torch groan as he was struck and the Associate was lucky that Widow Maker did not settle the matter for me. It seemed that the Associate was using the shuriken as a distraction for she disappeared as Clean Eugene dismounted and raced to Mickey the Torch and cast a delay poison spell which seemed to enable Mickey the Torch to shake off the effects of the poison. I heard in my mind as well in voice the words of Swami Donnie giving us a warning that Clean Eugene had just made a big mistake. His warning seemed to go upon deaf ears and minds as I cast an invisibility spell and called upon the shadows to cloak me as I dismounted. Slick Rick was not prepared for the Associate to just slip away and in a moment he was outlined in faerie fire and just like that his ability to cloak himself with shadows or ghost step were negated. I calmed myself and paid attention to our surroundings for I knew something was coming as the melee continued. Mickey the Torch breathed and of course the Associate rolled free and Clean Eugene actually moved forward and engaged her in hand to hand no doubt believing that the Associate was evil for siding against him and using poison upon a member of Dragonfirre. His breath had actually engulfed both Clean Eugene and Dirty Anna who had also dismounted and while I could not judge her intentions I was more focused on what might be coming. So while both Mickey the Torch and Clean Eugene closed on the Associate it was only her deft and nimble nature that prevented the Associate from be smashed into the dirt by Heavy Mace and Heavy Club. Suddenly I heard my beloved Dirty Anna begin to sing a sad song of love and loss and I noticed that the Associate and was suddenly looking upon her enthralled. While the song had no effect on me it did cause me to reach out to the Associate and ask her if she planned to stand her ground or needed help to withdraw. She seemed to have given up and as I turned my attention back to the others it seemed the area had developed eyes which were watching of course watching us. So Mickey the Torch and Clean Eugene continued their assault finally Dirty Anna screamed and dived into the fray not doubt in an a attempt to save the Associate. I will admit part of me just wanted the situation solved one way or the other for while my Mother had kind words to say about the Associate she had no idea just how much a pain in my ass he was becoming and I did not mean the pleasurable kind. So I let it play out Clean Eugene continued to strike around Dirty Anna while Mickey the Torch breathed protected both Dirty Anna and Clean Eugene with his draconic aura while the Associate rolled free and even hurled another shuriken at Mickey the Torch. I knew it would come any moment and I was not disappointed for just like that I felt myself resisting magic and within an instant Slick Rick, Mickey the Torch and Clean Eugene were encased in blocks of ice as were every member of the Organization except Starving Marvin and Hawkeye Allan. I telepathically called out to everyone to make sure they were alright and Clean Eugene told me he had felt this effect before and my mind raced back to finding him encased in just such a block of ice. I realized that if I did not break this enchantment quickly they might all be in suspended animation so I prepared my break enchantment spell. I heard Dirty Anna saying she might be able to try and break it using her newfound Soul Magic but I advised her to wait for me and see if could disrupt the magics first. As I expected we were being surrounded by figures composed of plants that seemed to be surrounding us. I ignored them for the moment as Lucky Ron with a deft swing of his Katana cracked the ice near Slick Ricks head which gave his enough room to shape shift and take to the trees in an avian form after which he and the Associate seemed to surrender. I started and finished my spell and I was able to Mickey the Torch , Swami Donnie and Diamond Jim free. Mickey the Torch had tried to breath himself free but the his flames had not been strong enough and Dirty Anna tried to free the others with her soul magic invocation but the magic was too strong. I had telepathically spoke to Slick Rick and asked if he had any insight on the plants that were surrounding us and he told me he would handle it. So I left him to deal with the minions of nature and cast another break enchantment spell to free the others and with the help of the flames and draconic fire protection everyone was free in seconds. Slick Rick returned and told us he had negotiated and there would be no further hostile actions taken if we withdrew back the way we had come for five minutes. We did not question him and while my horses had not survived the encounter thanks to our manufactured chaos we were then forced to walk. I did manage to confirm there seemed to be some kind of drudical order within the realm and that itself was worth noting.
Of course I could tell the Associate and Mickey the Torch were still furious and I was quite ironic that the one who had started the whole affair was being consoled by Dirty Anna. I could see that she was doing a wonderful job of explaining that the forces of the Duke needed to be treated with caution at least until we were able to determine his possible connections to the Orb of Sight. There was a brief moment that I wondered if Dirty Anna was going to lose it when Clean Eugene had proclaimed that when there were times that he needed to show restraint that he needed to be told and that keeping secrets only made things harder for everyone. I just let it go as in truth that was Dirty Anna’s problem and I still believed that while Clean Eugene had stated in the past that she was a taint of evil that he wanted on his tongue and I could tell a daily injection of goodness was indeed good for my Dirty Anna. Dirty Anna even managed to rub Slick Rick the wrong way by questioning his knowledge of the poison still cursing in Mickey the Torch’s veins. I know that her continued embrace of the ways of Hell were not going unnoticed by him and when he had rebuked her and told her “ I know my Job!” At which point I had moved up to walk with Slick Rick and keep him calm since now that I realized there were Druids but no Fey I wanted to be near him just in case anything else unnatural occurred. Well it did not take long for we saw what I could only describe as an abomination that needed to be put down it was basically a huge chicken head with legs that had approached us. I calmed myself and it had come closer and we had all moved aside to give it room to pass and I did my best to share my calm with Slick Rick and I was thankful that the was able to contain his fury. We discussed abominations for what must have been the next hour. I also figured with Slick Rick and me up front I could make sure we avoided any more hostilities so when the next patrol of twelve figures approached Slick Rick and I were ready. This patrol was lead by a shamanic type who was leading a group of additional abominations who I could sense were brownies. Wow was all I could think brownies vile and mischievous goblin like creatures had been hunted to extinction eons ago but here they were. Their leader basically just wanted to make sure we were not the group that had made trouble for the last patrol and seemed to want to give us severe but vague warnings about the city of Duke Miller and included information about a Paladin who the Duke would consider a delicacy. Now the funny part was that he then reversed his verbal direction and related that he had basically told us nothing of value and to continue on as we wished. This of course reveled something of vital importance for if there was not a current resistance opposed to the ruling Duke then such a resistance might not be that difficult to start if worst came to worst. Always good to look for potential allies and Thralls I always say and while I did not doubt my skills to adapt to almost any situation survival was one thing and the possible toppling of a Duke was quite another. Not that I felt it was beyond me it was just most of Dragonfirre especially Lucky Ron and Slick Rick bless his heart are quite impatient. Perhaps a good thing for it helped to keep me on my beautiful toes as I danced a seductive dance that would lead to the entrapment of any who stood in or way.
We had continued to walk when Slick Rick spotted the huge wagon being pulled by twelve swift oxen heading in our direction. I was once again impressed with the diversity of the being in this Realm for one figure who was driving the cart resembled and a small Elf/Halfling with a strange pot on his head which had flame coming out of it and would you believe it a smaller Gnome/Hill Giant. They stopped before us and I was still taking in the amazing and odd combinations of races and abominations in the Realm. I was just as comfortable to let them move on as the Elf/Halfling asked us where we were headed. Like I had said I was going to let it move on but Dirty Anna spoke up and said she wanted to head to the city to see Duke Miller or Mister Nance. The driver seemed annoyed and seemed to doubt if either she or even Lucky Ron who had spoken up briefly as well was the person who knew where we needed to go. Lucky Ron managed to secure passage for all of us on the wagon and arranged passage to the home of Mister Nance after showing him a gold piece. We boarded and the smaller Gnome/Hill Giant let’s call him Cecil boarded with us. He of course was eyeing everyone like we were at any moment going to attempt to either start a fight or cause trouble and seemed truly unfriendly. All I could think was who did that silly Gnome think he was having the nerve to look at me that way. It struck a chord in me to the days when to dare to even look at me with such malice would have been met with the Double Bladed Battle Axe of a Fey Minotaur named Toth for his insolence. Of course that was another life and I was not Ali’Ama Er’Odar, Markessa De’Mornae, or even Elysia Breena at the moment I was Beauty the Brain and she had a plan to have Cecil eating out of the palm of her hand. After a few moments I had begun to construct the back story I planned to use with Mister Nance and I needed a little background from Cecil. He informed me that he worked for a different party that owned the wagon and he was basically security and was on board to protect their investment. Which meant the driver let’s call him Marty was basically leasing the wagon which also told me that the services of those who could protect investments might very well be in demand. He also informed me of course of the dangers of the city as well as his belief the Dirty Anna and I should not have any trouble in the city. He did seem worried about the others including the Associate who was still posing as a non descript human female with a lean body and amazing breasts. I was also able to determine from Cecil that just heading up to have an audience with Duke Miller was perhaps the stupidest thing he could imagine. After a few more hours we arrived at the home of Mister Nance and Marty told us the fee was twenty two (22gp) gold pieces and asked if we wanted them to wait for us. Lucky Ron did not seem happy to part with the gold and I confirmed Cecil about the price and he told me that it was what Marty charged. So Lucky Ron paid and told the wagon to be off and we would find our own way to the city. I bid Cecil and Marty farewell and let them know perhaps we would have need of their services in the future as they departed.
As everyone disembarked I was suddenly aware of something that I should have noticed right away when I had no longer felt the presence of his mind. Mickey the Torch was missing he had no doubt vanished I hoped to the same dimension that had enveloped Clean Eugene the day before. No one else seemed worried about his departure and I realized now that the Associate no longer held the advantage of stealth he once had over me now that I had become accustomed to my mind sight no one with a mind could now hide from me within one hundred feet. While I had not revealed my new form of perception to my comrades I planned to once we had established a base of operations within the city. We had short walk to a home that by medieval standards was quite large and as we walked up Lucky Ron knocked on the door. It was opened by an attractive woman wearing and attractive blue court dress answered the door. As she led us into the foyer another group was just leaving which all wore similar attire which consisted of robes and odd fez hats. It made me wonder if they were part of an organization or if they were just the current style. Well as we were escorted into a area we could sit and wait other women came out and stared to serve us a strange type of tea. Well basically hot water was poured over leaves and the mixture was intended to be drunk and I of course asked Slick Rick to look it over since I had my doubts. Call it a hunch or just the environment but this Realm seemed so far quite Unseelie to me what with undead patrols, abominations and what I had a feeling was a drugged drink seeming to pass for what this Realm called normal. Slick Rick informed me that it seemed fine but as I looked at the concoction I realized it was actually a powerful narcotic quite similar to Mordayn Vapor. Now don’t get me wrong Mordayn Vapor is one amazing ride filled with visions and euphoria now of course the addiction that comes afterward can be the problem because you can become a slave to anyone willing to give you more of it. Now have I had the chance to trip on the on the Mordayn Vapor of course I have and I still would if I had the time and as a matter of fact it’s a great way to control someone in a pinch. So of course I had learned about it well this vapor was Lotus Vapor and seemed to have similar but more controllable results. Some of the Organization tired it and I of course declined since of course duty called. Meanwhile Mister Nance had entered and he also was wearing a fez hat and asked us who spoke for us. At first Lucky Ron had asked Dirty Anna if she was going to speak as I could tell he was not entirely happy with her revealing information about our reason for even being in the city. Then Dirty Anna had looked at him and told him she expected him to speak for the love of Aphrodite did they not even realize who was standing in their midst. It really amazed me I could only deduce that this must be what it is like to have friends for truly by allowing them to get to know me they must have believed they were equal to me. In truth the only member of our team I looked up to and truly respected was Slick Rick don’t get me wrong I love them all but really it’s not like they are all that smart and while I call myself Beauty the Brain these days that is truly the types I prefer. So of course I spoke up and began to spin a tale that would establish our background and reason for being here and my companion’s lack of knowledge of the city. So basically I spun a tale which detailed me coming from a rich family and not having visited the city since my youth with my Father and I implied that Slick Rick was my guardian and the other friends who had never seen the city and wanted to experience all there was to behold perhaps even including Duke Miller. I am sure the others were impressed and I could tell that Lucky Ron was concerned but he had no reason to fear I had it covered. I even silently and still cast a detect thought spell to open up his mind so that I would be able to determine if I needed to alter any part of my story or to gain information he might be trying to hide. He had informed us the was a Concierge by trade and his purpose was to be a professional guide to the capitol city all fifty plus miles of it. I also for the sake of courtesy as his mind started to open to me revealed his minds secrets to the others moments after he thought them. Mister Nance informed us that visiting various parts of the city were well within his ability but to arrange a direct audience with Duke Miller was beyond his immediate sphere of influence. He also made reference to a nightly event called the Lotus and Onion which was a night canal ride from the lowest to the highest tier of the City. Not such a bad way to see the city one might figure well that was at least what it sounded like but the reality was far more sinister. Now the harsh reality was that about half of the people who set sail on the boats and rowed the canals of the city never returned each night. Nance for the most part felt they were mostly newbie idiots who did not know any better. He had wanted to see how much money we had to spend in order to acquire an idea of how far up the city levels we could afford and while some money changed hands I was able to convince him that we had more than we were willing to show and he revealed that thousands of gold to even reach the fifth level and there were more than ten levels. Regarding access to the Duke he informed us that seeing the Duke was more like a death sentence and to see him you did not really need and audience just cause enough of a fuss for him to notice you. Nance actually used more eloquent terms like devour and defecate but he had told me enough for me to make up my mind that another path that allowed us to witness the Duke in action was perhaps a better way to go. So I focused on perhaps finding a way to be connected with people who attended his court and were a safe distance from the devouring and were able to watch and observe the power of the Duke with impunity. He let me know that he could locate someone in time perhaps by the next day. Now of course then came the matter of a place to stay for the night which became an entirely new concern. It seemed the would not recommend a place to stay due to issues with previous clients having shall we say issues and then blaming him. So I had to resort to a little subtle manipulation by asking him to tell me of the most dangerous location since like I had informed him my comrades were looking for excitement in the big city. While in reality I was looking in his mind for the exact opposite or the safest place of all those he knew. It seemed a place called Friendly Franks Home for Wayward Travelers was the most dangerous while the Vault was in the past the safest. It had seemed the Vault used to have a strict curfew and lock down policy which helped to maintain security but after they opened their doors for gambling then their security had become ineffective. So while perhaps still dangerous the safest that Nance knew of which was why I then informed him that we would be heading out for Friendly Franks and would see him in the morning while in reality we were heading for the Vault. So in short order we bid our goodbyes and made our way to the Vault.
As we arrived at the entrance to the Vault I did not fail to notice the number of unsavory types that keep eyeing us but strangely the presence of our bags and sticks seemed to keep them at bay at least for now. Once at the entrance I walked up to the door and was greeted by a man who wished to know our business. I informed he we sought rooms for the night and might very well be able to come to a mutual agreement on payment as we had been made aware of certain security concerns. Obviously I intended to try and secure stable temporary employment for a number of the Organization Agents while also managing to acquire a base of operations. I of course had other concerns as well such as the disappearance of Mickey the Torch who any woman would miss and even a few men that I knew to contend with. I had a feeling he might have been claimed by the dimension that had previously claimed my lover Clean Eugene who actually seemed quite improved by the sabbatical. I hoped he would not be gone long for I counted on his moral code and perhaps I needed to stand up for his beliefs more often. Now as far as the Associate was concerned I knew she felt unwanted and unappreciated which in reality I blamed solely on her own personal code. Then of course there was my beloved Dirty Anna what with her cannibalism and constant belief that everyone should listen to her. Don’t get me wrong in almost any other circumstance I believe she would have been either obeyed out of sheer fear or her charm and grace but of course we were dealing with Dragonfirre. I shall not even get into the problems she may be facing in her nightmares of which I am sure there are many and with only her human heritage to help her I truly fear for her each night. It perhaps is why I will never turn away from her for I fear the icy anguishing painful dreams will only be warmed by the flames of passion and love. I know I will need the wisdom and mature guidance of Slick Rick and I only hope that his patience is not exhausted before I can bring harmony back to Dragonfirre. Of course while the others had issues of their own I planned to have it out with everyone of course in a positive and loving way once and for all once our base of operations were set up. Then we could focus on the primary concerns I had about the ice hibernation devices or magics and uncover the mystery of Duke Miller or who else might be in charge of the Realm within the Orb of Sight. I had many ideas running through my head at the time regarding many different ways to deal with our issues in the chaotic evil realm but those ideas perhaps will need to remain concepts known only to Beauty the Brain and not that I am a year older and come into my full natural power the time think about it over its now time to start doing something about it.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
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