Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chapter Four : Getting To the Heart of the Matter

So there I was outside the Government Trade Center on what I had come to know as Defender Island and I was approaching the building I was aware of troops that were dispatched no doubt to investigate something at the GTC. It was then as I was deciding if I was going to venture in or move to our fallback position near the dingy that Ragoff vanished. I had to assume back into the Stone of Tongues so that left me with only one option I would fall back to the dingy and from there work out a plan to rescue them if necessary but if they were smart I hoped to meet them there otherwise the day was going to get interesting. I had already shed my Markessa identity and switched into my Sarah Mandi or Beauty as I would soon adopt whose long black hair and her elegant business flair I sure would help set the stage for our getaway from Defender Island.
I took it in my own mind as a good sign that Ragoff had disappeared since that gave me the impression that all was well or at least for whom so ever was holding the Stone of Tongues. So it was that I calmly made a leisurely walk back to the beach and as I arrived I noticed that Nialla and Shiron were both present and accounted for now the only question that remained was where was in the hells was Morgan. I would have been his plan to fall back to the dingy a plan he and I had discussed earlier so I will admit while some might have been apprehensive I took it in stride figuring Morgan was simply gathering information before he chose to join us. For the love of Aphrodite he could actually be with us even now for he was not called the Nimble for nothing. I had noticed something strange I heard a voice speak into my mind speaking about being “Not Ves”. I could suddenly understand why Morgan might have been concerned but the question remained was this communication or location or some combination of both. Either way I decided to focus my will and build a wall around my mind it took considerable effort but I deemed it worth it. As I approached my companions I asked if they had heard the voice and they said they had Nialla even said that she had focused her will and blocked the contact while Shiron said he had done something similar. So I figured our best option was to get off this island and make our way to one where we could start over without having the locals all riled up. As if on cue the window from our previously occupied room at the GTC suddenly blew out with glass falling to the street. For what it was worth Shiron seemed to want to stay and attempt to make the best of it. I on the other had figured it might be a good time to work on a way to leave this island and since I could see a number of people lined up for the water taxis I figured I should secure a method of departure sooner than later. It was about this time that the sack holding the Stone of Tongues had started to vibrate itself out of the bag and the next moment like magic Buerick the Druid stood before us. I brought him up to speed and informed him I was working on acquiring a way off of Defender Island and then he told us he had news for us from home. It would seem that the Treant inside the demi-plane inside the Stone of Tongues was somehow able to relay information from Hyboria. It has seemed that the Coalition of Argos had broken and the nations that were once working in harmony had broken once again into disarray. I had an idea why and when Buerick told us that we had been officially invaded by an entire contingent who had already established a beachhead and therefore no additional assistance was likely to be sent our way. In other words baring help from the Guardians of the Stone of Tongues we were on our own. Which gave me quite a bit to think about as I walked up to water taxis there were two lines one with soldiers and the other with civilians four in fact who seemed to be dressed in more laid back style which of course made them stand out. Well I was to find out they were a family from the Island north of Defender Island called Sandbar Island and they were returning home with their profits since it seemed they were fact merchants of sorts. Now what was interesting was the fact that there dress was by far of a lower class as well as their grooming habits and to top it off they were all unarmed. I was to find out that they were waiting for the water taxi to acquire more passengers to make it profitable for the owner of the water taxi to depart for Sandbar Island. I also consulted with the soldiers in the other line and found out they were heading to the Isle of Plenty and due to the fact that they were military I felt inclined to separate from the military influence for awhile since we had been unable as of yet to acquire hand guns as they were called. So I moved to the taxi driver or captain take your pick that I was aware was heading to Sandbar and inquired about the status of his departure. He confirmed that he was waiting for more passengers while I let him know I might have four or five within the hour and if so would he then be prepared to depart. He seemed open enough and replied that while he could seat twelve he was more than willing to depart with eight. With that I let him know I would be back in a few minutes once I had confirmed the number of associates that would be joining me.
As I rejoined my companions who were still waiting at our rendezvous point it was decided that we would indeed be leaving Defender Island as so we closer to the water taxi departure zone. I noticed that even if Morgan was staying out of sight he should have shown up by now unless something had gone wrong. I said a silent prayer to Aphrodite asking her to look after my beloved Morgan and it was then that I realized that I would need to go find him. I spoke to Buerick and asked him to please locate Morgan for me so I could retrieve him. I studied him carefully and I began to realize that his attunement to the Stone of Tongues no doubt had something to do with him being a Druid since I was already aware of how the Stone was having an effect on me not doubt due to my fey heritage. I know I have not spoken much of my Fey nature or my childhood surrounded by nymphs, dryads and fawns but focused more on my time of becoming since I became for all intense and purposes Markessa De’Mornae. But let us just suffice to say that I enjoy frolicking a lot more than your average Half-Elf or Elf for that matter let us just say that the mysteries of Dionysus are not really a mystery to me or my family and leave it at that. So I was beginning to realize that I might need to emulate his Druidical abilities in order to use the Stone to its full potential. So with relative ease he was able to locate Morgan and he told me that he had made his way to the dingy and was surrounded by soldiers. Well I figured I had the best chance to talk Morgan and myself out of any situation since I did really feel the others had the same level of concern for him as I. Well just before I could touch the Stone of Tongues Malcolm appeared and thankfully I had shaved, groomed, and dressed him before he had vanished so as he appeared we only had to bring him up to speed on our current situation. So while the others continued to fill him in I touched the Stone of Tongues once more and reciting the phrase that once again recharged my magical linguistic abilities while at the same literally driving my hormones into overdrive. I decided to take a roundabout route to Morgan using the premise of looking for someone I also needed the time to put my feelings in check since I had already decided that if the Stone was going to continue to have such a provocative effect on me I had to focus to contain it else run the risk of it overwhelming me. So in short order I found Morgan and while he was indeed surrounded by soldiers he seemed to be acting drunk for their benefit. So playing along I walked along the beach and made a show of noticing him and approached using a seductive tone and a sway of my hips to draw the attention away from Morgan and to myself. I spoke for their benefit “There you are drunk again and the party hasn’t’ even started yet what am I going to do with you come on.” I then responded to the soldiers “ Thank you for watching out for him sometimes he gets a little carried away I have been looking everywhere for him.” I overheard the soldiers talking about a psi-operative that had been hired and seemed to have somehow caused all of the commotion. I of course made an effort to support them and I was able to gleam that the psi-operatives as they were called were a separate force of their own that sometimes ran afoul of the army. I had asked if we were in any danger and they had replied that we were not since we were not army. I wished them the best and thanked them for their service and Morgan left with me pretending to support him since he was still working playing to the fact that he was drunk. While it took everything I had to not throw him to the ground and have my way with him since every nerve in my body was wound tight with desire and lust and honestly I can only give thanks to my Mother’s training for in enabled me to maintain my guise of just being his good friend. Sadly I knew I wanted more but I had already sworn that I would never allow myself to break the heart of a friend for while I realize that if I don’t hold myself back I am practically irresistible I learned long ago that in my profession you can lie to and hurt anyone but those you love. For if you care nothing for your friends and your loved ones than what path is left to you then the path of evil. And so it was with those thoughts on my brain and pushed to the forefront of my mind I was able to concentrate and fill Morgan in on what had transpired while he was away and by the time we had returned another surprise was waiting for me.
By the time Morgan and I rejoined the others they were prepared to leave and the now that we had five passengers as well as the family of four which for the record included a husband and wife as well as two teenage children one boy and one girl. Shiron had remembered that I had the ability to divine the thought of others and he had advised that I use my ability to determine what I could about the current situation. He had a good idea and I was actually glad to admit that Shiron, Malcolm and Buerick around I did find it easier to handle other matters since I was not really attracted to any of them. Well I mean either of them might do in a pinch but they were for sure not in the same league as Morgan, Nialla or Ragoff. This in turn caused my mind to wander around the faction concept of this new realm. From what I had been able to gather and piece together there were four main factions Ves, Hub, Central City and the Pleadies. It seemed the two factions which seemed to be in prevalence in this area were the Religious Ves broken into the Military, Business, Church and Commerce factions and the Military Hub which was further broken down in to the Red Menace and the more militant Swamp Fox. To be honest I was even able to gleam that Defender Island and Sandbar Island were technically at state of War over ideological faction differences. It would also seem that while Defender Island was armed to the teeth and it people very formal the people of Sandbar were for the most part fairly passive and less fashion conscious and more devoted to their faith. For what it was worth it seemed that the food on Defender was fairly bland while the food imported from Defender island was a delicacy that the people of Defender could not live without which obviously worked to the advantage of the Sandbar merchants. Now of course with nine passengers we were ready to depart and for the first time there was a price to be paid of two seventy five ($2.75). Well since I had introduced myself as Beauty yeah I know it fits but the women of these lands seemed to have names that held to values like love, patience, chastity and such so Beauty fit me perfectly. I had used the cover that we were travelling to Sandbar to trade and to explore the area for other friends of mine. I will admit I was thankful for the stash of local currency we had already acquired with the one hundred and fifty one point eighty ($151.80) we had acquired from the hardware store and the fifty point ninety five ($50.95) and six red orbs (?6) I figured we could play the role of visiting people of influence while to be honest I did not figure two hundred and two point seventy five (202.75) and six red orbs (?6) in local coin would last long but I expected it to last long enough or until we located another source of income while her. So we were down thirteen point seventy five ($13.75) and while we the water taxi drove off and into the water I maintained a discussion with the pilot as well as the family in order to help prepare myself for our role on Sandbar. I also realized that in the future we might need to know how to work one of these water taxies so I asked the others in a subtle way to keep their eyes peeled and to try to figure out exactly how it worked. Meanwhile I gleamed from the pilot that the Government Trade Center was the place to stay in Sandbar since it was free as well as hearing him speak to someone on the other end of the radio. Their conversation seemed to cover his number of passengers as well as this being his last trip for the day due to increased activity on Defender Island. I was given the impression that everything else one had to pay for which for me was a good sign for commerce lead to people and people I could work. Whereas from the family we traveled with I found out that they had a family member in town who they said operated a soup and bread shop that they said was the best on the Island and who was related to them. Well there you have it a secondary contact on the Island. I had even spoken with the pilot concerning making arrangements for a possible departure to Isle of Plenty and he let me know that arrangements could be easily made from the local GTC. So after hours long trip at around what I could estimate to be around three miles an hour we came to land and ironically I could understand now why they seemed to have so few docks when they had vehicles that travelled on water as easily as land. For no sooner had we arrived then we came to a remarkably paved road and were driven to the GTC. As we had travelled the family and the pilot told me about other places of interest in Sandbar. The most notable were large towers that I was told were food processing towers. I also gained insight into their military bases, hospitals and schools I will admit it does say something about the danger of a society that has an entire facility devoted to the treating of the sick which I was able to imply was the function of the hospital. As we had travelled I was able to also learn that the area where we I had originally arrived in this world was known as the Creeping Reef and that scientists for the mainland were for the most part busy in that area and what they were doing was believed to be dangerous enough for everyone else with any sense to stay clear of the entire area. I did manage to find out from the family that while they were distant it would seem they were also unable to resist the lure of Sandbar cuisine I will admit I was really beginning to look forward to trying this soup and bread to find out if there food was indeed really that good or perhaps it was drugged.
We had all arrived at the local GTC and I had been informed by our friendly water taxi driver that we would need to check in with the De’Moulay which was a term I managed to mean a combination of Mayor, Sheriff and general person of power and prestige on the Island. As we had entered the brand new looking building which for the most part was identical to the one on Defender Island I was taken with how different the feel was on the inside. To begin with there were no group of visitors or locals lounging around carousing and second were the two official looking gentleman who seemed like bouncers that walked up to us. They greeted us and proceeded to inform us about key notes of conduct for Sandbar Island. They explained that we would need to wait for an audience with the De’Moulay. And they went on the confirm that we were not armed and asked to our general purpose in town for which I replied to buy as opposed to sell which seemed to please them. I even asked them if there were any locations that either of them would recommend and they informed me they were not allowed to say. I had become aware of another issue that kept working at the back of my mind the food processing towers which were over one hundred and twenty high were of particular note. Since I had found out that no one owned any land it was all owned by the Government. So it made me realize they had some kind of complex commerce system I needed to figure out. The bouncers also let us know that we would not be allowed to share a room as it seemed that women and men were segregated on different floors not like I was going to organize an orgy or something for Loki’s sake. They also looked at me and advised that I remember to lock my door since some rowdy types were among the more the one hundred occupants currently staying at the GTC. The bouncers also let us know there was not temple in town and that daily prayer was at the standard scheduled time. They then instructed us to wait and the De’Moulay would be with use in a little while.
The arrival of the De’Moulay several minutes later was quite an experience to behold. For one she was she was the most dynamically dressed woman I had seen on this world so far. She wore an elaborate tight fitting red and yellow outfit with a flashy mini skirt and stiletto boots which I will admit I liked. There was something about her that kind of threw me off she seemed to be just a little too flexible. Kind of like owl flexible but no one seemed to notice or perhaps the De’Moulay were of another race or something I would have to look into it in the future if time allowed. Well here senses seemed to be dead on for she was able to look at each of the men and gain a great deal of insight. She looked to each of the men in turn and spoke them as if she had divined their nature. When looking at Malcolm reminded him that acts of violence were not tolerated and confirmed that he did not have a firearm. Malcolm has asked was a good place to have a drink around her and she had replied Icky Sunshine a local restaurant bar. As she looked at Sha’Ran she was curious about his faction and he claimed to favor the more aggressive Swamp Fox of the Hub. She gave him a similar warning as she had Malcolm and then she turned to Buerick and called him a botanist. She spoke with him in and informed him that their local herbalist was currently struggling with an invasive species and he had asked her if she ever encountered anyone she felt could help to let them know about his dilemma. When she turned to me our conversation was more formal we conversed about her responsibilities to the populace of around six hundred as their protector and Mayor. She let me know that would see to it that we had rooms on the co-ed floor and she would not impose a curfew but that she did not wish for me to take advantage. I also inquired about the showers and she told me that each room was equipped with their own well so much for that idea. I had noticed that there was also it seemed an indoor pool I would learn that it was called and that that it was always open but to be careful since children were it seemed allowed. I graciously thanked her for her time and the lack of a curfew as well as her outfit and asked her where she shopped. She shared with me that her outfit was an inherited outfit of office and which point I bid her good day and she departed. I looked to the others and asked if they had noticed anything odd about the De’Moulay besides her keen perception and I was happy to notice that they had. As a matter of fact her movements reminded the others that she was perhaps more then met the eye. Well I for one was horny and hungry so if my first hunger could not be sated then I would find a way to sate the second and hope that the Soup and Bread shop lived up to the Sandbar reputation.
The others agreed that it was a good time to explore and perhaps have an early dinner as well. I could tell Morgan was still a little tired but I was glad for his presence in this strange land and I also figured with him at my side we could better keep an eye on each other. While I can’t be called the most optimistic of girls if we were indeed stranded on this strange world at least I had someone who knew me to keep me company and if necessary honest. On our way out the bouncers asked if we needed a cab to our destination since we had decided to head out for soup and bread and then to head to Icky Sunshine to check the local rumor mill and perhaps gain insight into the Science Center. As we entered the Soup and Bread Shop which was quaintly actually named Soup and Bread Shop we were greeted by a doe eyed young woman who seemed to have eyes for only Sha’Ran I really didn’t see what she saw in him but beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say. When I interrupted her revelry and told her we intended to eat in she said she would be right back with her brother who would be able to take our order. Well her brother came out and I started to speak with him regarding trying their renowned fare and he pulled out a table and asked us we would wish to order ala-carte or buffet style. I confirmed that with buffet we would have more options and he concluded the buffet style was perhaps the better option. He then informed us that for two point seventy five (2.75) each we could enjoy as much of their fare as we chose as well drinks if we chose. As Malcolm became excited about the concept I inquired as to our options and he told us of numerous beers, wines and even special new ale that his father had just started producing. Believe it or not everyone decided on the new ale and the young lad said he would need his father to assist since he said he was too young to serve us. So as his father came out of the back of the shop he was carrying a glass bottle while his son was busy setting up the table with soup and bread. Well the bottle contained ale that I recognized as Cimmerian Ale but it was the smoothest I had ever tasted while the meatball soup and fresh baked bread was indeed exquisite. I introduced myself as Beauty to the owner of the establishment who I would come to learn was name Greg and I told him that his family had advised that we stop by. He was immediacy put more at ease and seemed to be impressed that his cousin had indeed meet people that he said he had told about his Soup and Bread Shop. After a little small talk I turned the conversation back to the ale that he was serving and to where he had found such an interesting beverage. Greg informed us that he had acquired the recipe from a scientist who worked with the City of Industry. I asked Buerick what he thought of the food and while I will admit the food tasted excellent it did seem almost to perfect a fact which Buerick was able to confirm. He told me the meat that were where eating was if meat that had never touched a bone. I continued to probe Greg who shared with me that the scientists of the City of Industry had cloned the recipe and wanted him to try it with his equipment. He let us know that he had created around fifty thousand (50,000) gallons and that he had even shared some with the Icky Sunshine Bar. He even was proud to mention that the ale held best in glass bottles or ceramics but that he had found that the stuff was slightly explosive. It was ironic but it seemed that he was not really a restaurant but he could serve on occasion and while we talked I let it slip that we might be departing for the City of Industry soon ourselves. During which time I managed to find out that he was also planning a trip since he needed a part for a machine that could only be found on the mainland. I let Greg know that we might be in town two days or so and that if could we would be glad for the company. Greg was quite ecstatic and even mentioned that he had influence with the water taxi driver who often made the trip and I let him know that we would definitely be keeping in touch but that if he needed to find us we were staying at the GTC and that my name was Beauty. I thanked him for the meal and I was sure that now we could enjoy ourselves and not run the risk of embarrassing ourselves and we bid Greg and his family a good evening.
It was a short walk Icky Sunshine but I was happy to see that a bar was still a bar and while I was busy gathering the different sounds and felling of the place Ragoff asked for some coin so that he could sample the local fare. I realized we were working with limited funds but I remembered the most important part about any con was keeping up appearances so I there for reached up to my Backpack of Containment which was being hidden by my Hat of Mystery and withdrew as if I was withdrawing from a purse ten (10.00) for each of my companions so they could spend if necessary. Shiron spoke to me and asked if I was planning to do that thing I do and I let him know as soon as I had used the women’s room. While I walked there to freshen up and cast my spell of detect thoughts I noticed a number of young men sitting together who seemed to be eating, drinking and of things reading. A far cry from what I had heard about the group of young toughs who were said to be giving the Island trouble. Sha’Ran seemed to be trying to goad them into a confrontation and I could see had slammed his mug down on the table and one of the young men walked toward him. I could see they had a few words but nothing seemed to come of it so I continued with my original plan so while in the ladies room I cast my detect thought spell and gave it a few moments to warm up and once again stepped out to greet the minds of the patrons of Inky Sunshine. As I exited I took a moment to adjust to all of the minds with the room I will admit I was glad to not find myself knocked unconscious by a mind far superior to my own really the only drawback of the spell. I initially focused on the group of young blond haired me and I found out they were actually a rugby team here on Island to relax between games. The group her is seemed were the A squad while the rabble rousers back at the GTC were the B squad. So in reality with the exception of perhaps being an evening distraction they were not that interesting. I decided to broaden my scan and focus on someone who I felt might be indifferent to discussing events going on around town and beyond and strangely I found just such a mind. I had managed to find a mind that was willing to discuss anything without prejudice or judgment but the interesting part was that if belonged to a snake that resembled a hooded cobra but with two arms that was swinging in a cage. Well while I at first expected it to be a short conversation since I knew my detect thoughts spell would not last forever and I had anticipated talking and picking up the answers from its mind it was a pleasant surprise to have it answer me in the local language. So while I walked up the end of the bar where the Snakal or what I have decided to call him was swinging in his cage I said “Hello and how are you today.” It responded “Quite well and thanks for asking.” After that we started up a conversation where I was able to find out a few very important bits of information. It seemed the Snakal had been sold as a pet to one of the servers and now deemed himself property of the bar. He also was a sentient creature that had been taught the language and also had a very keen sense of smell that allowed him to determine that there was something different about me. I asked him if he noticed anyone else in the room besides myself and he indicated Shiron, Malcolm, and Morgan. I asked about Buerick and he told me he smelled normal. I figured it must me a druidical thing or something I also asked about the De’Moulay and I really hit the jackpot. For it seemed that not only was my new friend able to confirm that the De’Moulay was other than what she seemed she also seemed to be the only person of power that the Snakal respected. It seemed that the De’Moulay frequently came by to acquire information just as I was doing. He had informed her about some scientists in town investigating what was said to be a UFO crash site but which they believed to something else and how after he told her about it they were suddenly recalled back to the mainland. It would seem that the De’Moulay’s power was more than just in work but also in deed. I also found out that there were others of his kind for sale at a shop down the street. It was about this time that Morgan who had been watching the door must have noticed me talking to the Snakal and he walked over to me. He asked me if everything was ok and I had replied that all was well I was just getting to know the local pet snake. Morgan had seemed surprised to find a talking snake on this world and for a few moments was taken aback. But then he seemed to loosen up and told me that if they had any for sale he would acquire one for me. I could only smile and try to conceal how much his concern for my needs had such an effect on me. I was actually glad when he walked away drawn by the actions of the rugby team he approached them and it seemed for a moment there might be a struggle for a few of them rose and tried to surround Morgan. But just as quickly had they made the attempt then being true to his name sake Morgan tumbled away from them across the room leaving them standing there looking like fools. He confident taunt and manner actually seemed to calm them down and I could hear them talking about him being someone sent by their coach to keep them on their toes. As I looked at Morgan I could see he was finally getting over the incident that had happened on Defender Island and I was glad to see it. So while I sat there and nursed my ale I was left to ponder our next move. I now knew I needed to visit the local pet store as well as the local herbalist and perhaps that it would be time for a well deserved night’s sleep at the GTC. So far all was going well we just needed to stay on track and let this world become putty in our hands.

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